Word 2022-03-11 difficulty, deception, democracy

Word 2022-03-11 difficulty, deception, democracy

Prophetic word, given March the 11th 2022 around 5:45 in the morning. Note: Please listen careful as a bunch of this word is metaphorical, cryptic or coded, whatever you name it. Above all that as with every prophecy, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for more...
Word 2022-01-16 The truth of truth and lies

Word 2022-01-16 The truth of truth and lies

Prophetic Word, received on January the 16th 2022 around 10pm Note: With all the metaphors I advice you to listen carefully and let the Holy Spirit give you the wisdom, discernment, understanding and interpretation. Hear the rattle snake when I shake the rattle. It...