Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-10-27 around 7pm while cooking Note: There was a bit an interruption, because someone came along while I wrote down the word, yet we had a good talk where he shared roughly some interesting information. The word may have become longer but...
Word 2022-10-24 The days of Noach and the rain/ reign

Word 2022-10-24 The days of Noach and the rain/ reign

Prophetic word, received on 2022-10-24 around 21:00 Note: I advice as always to ask the Holy Spirit prayerfully to lead and guide you through this word to give you the full meaning and understanding, especially if something is a bit unclear. A bit a silly thing is the...
Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Prophetic word, given from Yeshua on March the 6th 2022 15:50 received it in the kitchen, right after I came back home. Note: This word contains a lot of details between the lines but it’s hard to point out to all of it – actually not much at all. And anyway not...