Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Word 2024/02/16 Israel – fighting hell

Prophetic Word received on 2024-02-16 ~ 11:00 AM Note: This is entirely addressed to Israel, specifically physical Israel, not the spiritual Israel and more detailed those who rule that nation, basically the government and the religious leaders, and perhaps those in...
Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 When Rome will burn again

Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 When Rome will burn again

Prophetic Word/ Poetry 2023-08-25 17:30 Note: I was in bed with a migraine and the word dropped in little by little over a period of several hours because I had to lay down over and over again. It was a quiet a painful challenge to write it down. But by the grace of...
Message 2023/03 Stalingrad 2.0 + Nuremberg 2.0

Message 2023/03 Stalingrad 2.0 + Nuremberg 2.0

Message 03 in the year 2023 about the mystery of history and the implication of Stalingrad and Nuremberg. Note: What I say here is not prophetic yet mainly my personal opinion, my own thoughts, except the bible verses. Only time will tell if prophetic elements are...