Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump Message 2024/21 (Month 10) I need to say that I am very glad to be far away from America – hard to say the correct distance, because it depends if you measure on a globe, a flat or a biblical earth. Anyway,...
Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany

Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany

Message 17 in the year 2024, for Month 08 Note: lately I felt like to make a message about Germany, which is of course not a prophetic word, though it might contain some prophetic elements, and a dream, but this here is more like common sense predictions by trying to...
Message 2023/12 The final countdown

Message 2023/12 The final countdown

The final countdown, Message 2023/12 (in warpspeed) Today I want to share some thoughts about the Gregorian year 2023 as it is coming slowly/quickly to the end First of all it is incredible how fast this year has passed by. A lot of things happened. READ MORE Most...