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Message 2024/17 Month 08 Germany

Message 17 in the year 2024, for Month 08

lately I felt like to make a message about Germany, which is of course not a prophetic word, though it might contain some prophetic elements, and a dream, but this here is more like common sense predictions by trying to connect some dots.

Message 2024-17 Month 08 Germany


Is like for Comic-Covidemic, when the headlines arrived there might be a medication in a syringe available one day, I knew it right away, it will come and they will or try to make it mandatory, as it is written about the mark of the beast – and they are still trying.
And the country where I stuck by that time, they were not far away because I could not go shopping for several months.
But I’ll leave it up to you to believe it is, or not or pre-cursor some say, they have all different names and types for that …but this is not my subject now, just want to share some thoughts about common sense, sometimes it contains fragments or prophetic insight.
Where actually, I had a dream about it but could not understand until it hit the world.
Like the whole planned demic not given as a specific from the Lord, but I was right, and since the rollout I know several people personally who took it, where many of them now fighting all sorts of diseases, and some even died, some unexpectedly (and of course, doctors are not allowed to have a clue why), but again, this is not fulfilled prophecy, it’s just connecting the dots, while most of those who took the liquid (or the Josef Mengele Serum) even in their sufferings still don’t get it, regardless if you try to explain it to them with whatever information you present.
And actually this is not over, from what I can see they still try to implement it one way or the other, at least with the western nations on the forefront.
I pray it will never be.

So far the long intro or so, now this message about Germany, where I grew up mostly.
I am sure, if you grow up in a certain country, and live there for a relatively long time, and moved out (even after a long time), you might be still interested how things develop there, especially if you don’t live there anymore, like me, and if you still have some few friends there, even a few, for whom you are concerned or think about them.
I have experienced times when people were somehow proud to be Germans because for the reason, first of all, how this nation rose from the ashes twice the last roughly 100 years up to fairly high standard living.
And this mostly because of the hard working mentality of the ordinary people, not because of politics or other tricks.
But also, during the time when I grew up ″Made in Germany″ was one of the best quality labels in the world – where sadly most of it already got sacrificed on the altar of profit.
Well, simple the way I saw it in the company I worked many years ago, where some parts at one point in time got outsourced to China and I can tell you, that stuff was quite crappy – and a few cents more profit kept the bond.

Now, lately a brother who is a watchman from America with whom I am in touch got a word from the Lord at night saying that Deutsche Bank will collapse.
Surely he has not received a specific time, when that will be.
Actually, it’s always funny, when Americans pronounce Deutsche Bank or some of the car brands VW, Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche or Audi – and I used to live just a couple of miles away from one factory of Daimler. You can look up if you don’t know what Daimler is.
Well, my pronunciation of some English words are also not great, but let such things just be funny and don’t point the finger or blame each others. If you think we have to be perfect, then try Arabic, Greek or Finnish and we let those people point their fingers at you…

Anyway , I told him that he made one ″mistake″ in his message.
Deutsche Bank is in my view and even realistically not a financial institution but a criminal syndicate, worse than any Mafia.
They might not be able to compete against CIA, FBI or the other secret societies, but I also address the current German government as a terror organization, where other countries are worse and some a bit better.
Or just say it in this way: if you get visitors from the government regarding tax or the social benefits, maybe tell them, I don’t support terror organizations nor do I want to receive anything from them, enough that they force me to carry some sort of a membership card… do you support them?
We pay anyway taxes with anything we buy, but give Cesar what belongs to Cesar or this corrupt world what belongs to this world, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, but give our hearts and souls to the rightful owner Yeshua, the one who gave us life, eternal life.

However, when Deutsche Bank collapses, this will surely be a major event with worldwide effects, no doubt about that, so in that regards the brother is right.
Very obvious it looks to me that the leading psychopaths or megalomaniacs want it desperately to collapse, to usher in the centrally controlled digital currency with total tyranny.

Can we do anything against it?
Well I believe we can pray in the Name of Yeshua, it will be delayed and the digital money will not be established they way THEY want.
One day it is clear the mark of the beast will arrive, but our prayers can prevent at least anything else to be successful in any other form before the given time, regardless how much they desire it.
The possibly wish, it would already be running, and all people being jabbbed.

I had actually a dream some 20 plus years ago.
And in one scene in the dream I was talking with my (physical) brother, telling him that even Mercedes (Daimler) one day might go down; but today I would say ″go woke and broke″.
My brother said (in the dream), this can never happen because of blah blah blah and so on, actually he listed many logical reasonable reasons from a humanistic or even economic point of view.
Back then when I had that dream I thought, yeah, he is right, and was actually wondering myself about how this can ever happen, but today… nothing would surprise me anymore at all.
Maybe that Daimler might convert into a war or tank factory, but this is a different thing, but then they will not build Mercedes anymore.
But that’s not Daimler or Mercedes anymore.

Interestingly enough, in the dream there also appeared the Concorde, for those who remember it, possibly one of the most beautiful airplanes that ever got built, that got kicked off from the sky.
Is not the subject here, but my guess, it was not an coincidental accident, but a meticulously planned disaster by one of the secret services. The people who died there, well… just collateral, but that’s another can of worms.

Back then, the dream gave me actually more the impression that the collapse of Daimler represents the collapse of Germany.
And as Germany hangs a good portion on the automobile industry, so much so, if you take it away, it’s more or less over…

I know now actually, that it is the plan to wipe Germany off from the face of the earth since 1871, as the result of the Franco- Prussian war, where France got defeated and could never forget nor forgive until today.
This is of course one of several reasons, but probably the most unknown and the biggest one.
Well, there is a breath of relief for Germany:
France is toast.
The Olympic farce showed it’s face, and they have abortion as a right now in their constitution, they will not be successful in anything anymore.
And not to forget the influence of Islam there – and Islam only look and to establish the revived Ottoman caliphate from the middle east over Turkey complete Europe south to north and all the way to Portugal at the west end.
Another big reason is surely, that Mystery Babylon don’t like a country like Germany used to be, with a too strong economy and advanced technology – so any competitor must be destroyed before he becomes too strong, especially when it considers to get cheap ″piped″ energy from their biggest enemy Russia. Just thought, that sounds somehow connected to Prussia, which once reached actu ally far east to the border. Russia-Prussia.
And for those who don’t know who Mystery Babylon is, do your research, you’ll find it (fairly easy).

Actually, today, there is no need of another war, regardless if world war 3 comes or not, nor is there a need for an external enemy or an fictional enemy like Russia or China.
Angela Merkel already set the foundation for the destruction and the green leftists are in process to complete it – if there will be not a great miracle, all just a matter of time, sooner or later.
All of it as much as I can see is very much in alignment with the plan of the global cabal.
As Kissinger said we are already at war, the super wealthy against the rest of the world’s population.
Who will win at the end?
Well, neither the one or the other, because they did not made their calculations by reading properly the bible.

okay, currently the leading parties are a bit nervous about the upcoming elections.
Well, sorry, no… let me correct myself and explain it in a different way:

In September, I think, there are some state elections on the calendar, where the sheeple have been taught this is because of democracy. Now, mostly in the eastern parts of Germany, the alternative party (AfD) has a much stronger backup than in the sleepy old western states.
I think it has to do with the older people who still remember how Honeckers Socialism was not really successful and less pleasant or joyful for ordinary people with a desire for a bit more freedom and less Stasi.
Of course, the mainstream liars are doing their best to throw mud against the alternative party (you’re nazi’SS).
But at the end I would say: The ″selections″ are probably very much under control.
Why shall something that worked at the last US joke not also be possible in Germany?
Does anyone here believe, elections will ever change anything, except the heads of the puppets?
You’re a fool if you believe that.

The background players behind the scene are not elected and they are still the same, at least their diabolic mindset, so I am not expecting a big change.
A few percent higher and lower for the one and the other party, but in general things will not flip drastically around.
And if surprisingly the result don’t match the desired outcome, well, repeat the elections as often as necessary, until the result is pleasing for the Elites.
Or, talk to these new clowns in the front row that they have to play the show according to their playbook or else they might be in trouble to die from climate change… you know what I mean…
And if a party that is not desired wins against all odds, their heads will surely be trimmed in the background to play according to the beast system, which is contrary of the best system (which is Yeshua’s system).

Now, another recent reason for some sort of ″divine intervention″ or failing of protection and blessing for Germany: since the first of this month 8 in the year 2024, they passed the law called the ″Selbstbestimmungsgesetz″ which is the ″right of self-determination″, so, anyone who wants to change their gender just go to the municipality and have it changed, simple quick and easy.
And typical for the devils agenda, when it says self… (he likes that word) everything is about myself, the selfie (you heard about that;), me and me and me, selfishness in all ways.
As much as I read it is not yet active but shall come in November, and also don’t know how easy it it will be is in midst all the already insane bureaucracy but it’s now law.
I don’t think stuff like this will go unpunished on a long run or lead to any sort of blessings from Abba at all.
Even King David, the man after Gods own heart had experienced a tough time after he made by his own choice the census that was not in Gods will – and changing gender by choice is definitely less Abbas will – you cannot change biology how Adonai created men or women – no way (regardless how much they (the deceived ones) might shout out, how they feel, it’s impossible.
That law allows actually anyone to chose in their selfish ambitions between male, female, diverse or without entry, so four possibilities.
Diverse would be a cat, a fish, a spaghetti monster, a soap or a brush, and those who sign in for the last reveal themselves as an empty shell a meaningless something without any identity.
This is what people will have/be in hell: no identity; just tortured non stop, no will…
I am a man, will remain a man even if those diabolic lawmakers try to force me to change it, but I don’t comply, and the last thing they can do it to stone me to death. But probably I fly home before that, to be with Yeshua forever and ever.
How much more when almost everything the government of a nation is doing goes straight against His commandments, how long will a nation be able to stand.
Read the bible and you see where it ends.

Oh by the way, I am writing and uploading this message on a football or a yoyo – I felt like to change the computer into something more playful, what about that?
Just change the words, as you like.
This is what the devil is constantly doing… mostly and most desirably with the bible, with the scriptures, the holy scriptures, and he did it already with many flaky and faked versions to a great extend.

Sounds like a bit dark everything, but sadly we just can’t ignore the times we are living in (times of Noach) and stick the head into the sand.
There are of course many other reasons, Germany will not be able to stay much longer alive, too many to list, but just one more example: There are already about 1 millions Syrians in Germany, according to the official numbers (who knows how many are truly there), which is roughly 5% of the entire Syrian population. If 20 countries would host that many, Syria would be completely empty, maybe except soldiers from other countries who wants to fight to get the most of their oil and natural resources.
Anyway in Germany, 50% of these Syrians receive social welfare, and most of them are young strong men. Why do they not work?
Ask them and I think you will get a clear answer straight into your face.
And then add to these numbers (of the Syrians) many more migrants from many other countries.

The word of German’s social welfare got known in the entire world and so they are flooding in from everywhere. Sure, receiving accommodation and additional money for free is a great magnet, I guess you would agree.
Who can blame them…
Well, if certain countries are emptied out of all their young and violent men, I might go there to live in peace.

I can’t say how many migrants are already in Germany, and even the official numbers are very likely very much modified or manipulated, but 2017, when I was the last time in Germany for a short visit, I stayed for some days in Frankfurt.
So as I walked through the city I hardly heard anyone speaking German, and in the park I thought I’m in the middle east.
In one shop I was surprised (or not at all), I literally spent more time there, just to get close enough to the people to hear them talking, and I could not hear even one person that spoke German.
I asked the clerk something then… and I thought: that broken German is not a German.
And consider how many more came into Germany since then…

As I am already in Frankfurt now, Deutsche Bank is there…
How do I know that?
Well, where I stayed there at a relative of mine, who used to live just a few blocks away from those gangsters.

Interesting will be anyway, when Deutsche Bank falls how fast the economy in Germany will drown afterwards, and finally, how the people will respond.
I think (my $0.02) there might be three groups or four.
The one is the real German citizens, then the integrated foreigners and then the migrants (the fourth smaller group might be the politricktians).

As the police already are not going against most the migrants, because they have to follow order from the government not to use more than cotton balls against them, and also if some of the police may act on their own, they are surely afraid they might be beaten down.
So what you think will happen if all these young strong migrants don’t get their welfare anymore?
Do you think, they will stand peaceful in line for 5 hours to receive one state sponsored lentil soup once a day?
Or whatever bowl of soup, maybe rice, or whatever…?

You don’t need any fantasy or prophetic insight to know, riots and violence will surely get completely out of control – or through the roof.
First in bigger cities, then to smaller ones til everything is plundered and devastated.
As the police is already not able and willing to control some areas, less it will be when all collapse.
They were ordered to smash down all protests during the plandemic, so they would have the capacity, but to go against illegals and crime is not in the playbook.
They rather beat down old people, kick pregnant women in their stomach, or pull the disabled out of their wheelchairs and cast them all into jail if they dare to protest peacefully than to touch one of the violent legal or illegal migrants.
Now, the other group are the integrated peaceful foreigners who surely will try to escape and reach their homelands, of course, depends which one is the better choice or the better place.
And the fourth group, the politricktians will be cowering and laughing with Caviar and sparkling wine in their heavily protected ivory towers and will give their orders following ″army″ the commands from there.
But regardless how much they are able to protect themselves, their laughter will end with Yeshuas final word.

Okay, that’s somehow lots of speculations, a little bit dark, but the tendency is clear, Germany already reached the tipping point of no return into a major collapse.
Not sure how the Evil Union will respond in such a situation.
Either with total dictatorship, worse than Stalin’s Soviet regime or Mao’s Chinese menu, or…
it will explode into particles, and burn as Rome.

From a biblical point of view, I would consider like one of the 10 Kings, so I expect very much a totalitarian system within the Beast or Antichrist system, however you name it.

There is only one thing that can save Germany, regardless if Deutsche Bank collapse or not.
And this is radical repentance like the people in Nineveh.
Will it happen?
I don’t know, I wish yes, at least for a little while to bring many souls into the Kingdom of Elohim, or it (the collapse) needs to come to bring many people into the Kingdom of Elohim.
But one day the biblical finishing line will be put in place.

I actually would not be surprised if Germany will be again a major player in the next big war, whether you name it World war 3 or world war 2.2 or … who knows.
But this might be their last one and they will never rise up again.
Like Miss Babylon, Germany will fall, just in another way.
Though Babylon’s fall might look worse at the end.

So let us pray for many souls be saved before everything goes down.
Personally I don’t think I will ever again set my foot on German soil anymore, I could not see much a reason.
I wish actually to make it out of the Evil Union, but where and when it’s up to the Father in heaven.
May the next destination will be home to my eternal hope to be with Yeshua forever and ever, whether you call it rapture, snatching away or Harpazo…. or I go my private way, form, style…

Okay, so far definitely enough for now, I could go on and on with that.
Yes, really sad with that country, but why shall it be different from all other countries, with the increasing madness, just think about America for example.
However, when people ask me what I miss from Germany, one thing of course I could name immediately, maybe a few others, but fresh warm milk, directly from the cow will be the indisputable number one, that’s so delicious and healthy, I mean with cows that are running around in the fields, not factory cows, even if the WHO claims differently, but we don’t need to agree with their version of what’s healthy and what’s not, because they are liars with a terrorist at the helm.
IF I will ever have that delicious taste in my mouth I don’t know.
Only if Abba will open a miracle to have my own farm with vegetables and a few animals, and this would be amazing grace – but I can praise Him even without.
Number two would be very likely a real acoustic grand piano to worship Him in music without electronics.

But if not, I can praise Him while waiting for His return and think about what He did for me at the cross, His glory and amazing grace.

End of Message

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