Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Word 2023-04-28 My thunder My voice and My Spirit

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-04-28 around 6:30pm Note: I will keep this prophecy for a while at a wrong date so it sits on the frontpage or else it will be a long way in the background! I was standing at the door, looking outside the dark clouds and heard a thunder....
Poetry 2022-04-24 Judgment, sheep and goats

Poetry 2022-04-24 Judgment, sheep and goats

Prophetic word/ Poetry, given on April 24th 2022 around 9:30pm Note: Enjoy the beauty of poetry with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to attain the best pieces of the glory-cake Beginning of the Word: I sit on the throne and reign While the world goes down the drain...
Word 2022-04-19 Fukushima, what’s up

Word 2022-04-19 Fukushima, what’s up

Prophetic word written down on April 19th 2022 around 9pm. This word is a bit unusual as it came 3 days in a row yet I did not had an unction to write it down until the third time while taking a shower. Then after writing the first word Yeshua continued speaking And...