Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 12/2024, Month 05 This message was a bit delayed as Internet broke. I hope this modern surveillance radiation technology, made in China will not break again. However, one day, it might not be possible to share the way the truth and the life – so a little...
Vision 2023-01-09 The stars of the EU

Vision 2023-01-09 The stars of the EU

Prophetic Vision, seen on 2023-01-09 around 10am Note: As this is a spiritual vision, I ask you to pray that the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom and understanding, especially when it comes to interpretation. I did not receive any interpretation about it yet....

Word 2021-12-17 Flying & the Fear of YHWH

Prophetic word, received on December the 17th 2021, about quarter past 8 in the evening during Worship on Erev Shabat. Flying… …is flying Who is flying? Many will be flying! Some will be flying out of their offices. Some will fly to joy, others to sorrow....