Word 2022-09-17 Climate change is real

Word 2022-09-17 Climate change is real

Prophetic word, given on 2022-09-17 8:00am in the kitchen Note: As always please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. Beginning of prophecy: Climate change… is real. Climate propaganda is also real. Between each of those two there is...
Message February 2022 All the Bubbles

Message February 2022 All the Bubbles

Message February 2022 about the “mystical” (Covid 19) pin that was created to blow all bubbles What is it? Economy, Transport, Finance (Casino Market), Faith/ Church, Society/ Family, Education, Rapture and final end READ MORE You may enjoy watching...
Word 2022-01-14 A new thing, new dimension

Word 2022-01-14 A new thing, new dimension

Prophetic word received on January 14th 2022 at 20:15 during Shabat worship. Tomorrow I will do a new thing. And then you won’t see you family anymore, but a family that I will give you. Praise and worship (Me) until I come. And I am coming soon. Hold on to your...