The Bible on drums

The Bible on drums

What has the bible to do with drums? Well, you can discuss it back and forth – that relation is not the most important More important for us ot have a relationship with the Lord Yeshua and listen to His word by His Spirit and through His written Word. The Bible/...

The sudden change – everything in an instant

Just another drum session with Bindernowski We know how wicked men changed the known world in almost no time… I know here where I “stuck” since 2 years. It was one of the most peaceful nice countries in the world And in no time it turned into a...
Word 2022-01-25 Glory to come, Prophets like EliYahu

Word 2022-01-25 Glory to come, Prophets like EliYahu

Prophetic Word received on January the 25th around 5:30 in the morning Note: Read prayerfully line by line and let the Holy Spirit speak to you, to give you a deeper understanding of this word When Glory comes, what are you going to do? Will you sit on your couch or...

Dream 2022-01-22 Unity Division and Romans

Prophetic Dream January the 22nd 2022 (Time is not clear, maybe 2:00am) I actually can’t remember most of the dream but that day at afternoon, one section of the dream were constantly stirring in my mind. So I thought Adonai want me to write it down. Let the...