Message 2023/10d Counting of sins

Message 2023/10d Counting of sins

Counting the mountain of sins/ per second Note: The other day I was working in the garden and most the day my thoughts went about sin. Do I think about my own sin? Yes of course, but in that case no, not really but the sin of all people in this world. Beginning of...
Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah (Message 09/2022)

Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah (Message 09/2022)

Message 09/2022 Yom Truah/ Rosh HaShanah Most people focus only on Rosh HaShanah but forget Yom Truah (also transscribed as Yom T’ruah or Yom Teruah). The funny thing is, that Rosh HaShanah is not a scriptural feast, or in other words: it does not exist in...