Message 2023-09b Yom Truah, Rosh HaShanah 5783 to 84

Message 2023-09b Yom Truah, Rosh HaShanah 5783 to 84

Message 2023-09b for Yom Truah, the Feast of the Trumpets or Rosh HaShanah 5783 to 5784 Yom Truah, translated as the feast of the Trumpets. It is also labeled as Rosh HaShanah, which is the Jewish new year. READ MORE According to the rabbinical counting it will start...
The Double Shofar

The Double Shofar

What is a “Double Shofar”? It’s not a prophecy nor a dream, not a song, nor really a message, yet it contains somehow a bit of everything. Have you ever seen someone blowing 2 shofar at the same time? I present here a scene that I had once in a dream...