Word 2023-01-02: 17, 21, 23 and Shabat

Word 2023-01-02: 17, 21, 23 and Shabat

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-01-02 at 17:17hrs Note: First of all, make sure you read or listen with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to get the full understanding in all metaphorical or symbolic elements This word actually came very unusual. I finished work and was...
Word 2022-08-23  Sun, moon and flipping of tables

Word 2022-08-23 Sun, moon and flipping of tables

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-08-23 around 9pm Note: As this word is again very metaphoric and cryptic, make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy. Beginning of Prophecy The sun is shining. She smiles in the sky. But not much longer....
Word 2022-07-14 The yellow-blue laundry machine

Word 2022-07-14 The yellow-blue laundry machine

Prophetic word, given on July 14th 2022 around 8pm Note: It is quiet metaphorical, though I think most it’s relative clear to recognize what it speaks about. However, as always for more insight and deeper understanding of details, please ask the Holy Spirit....
Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Word 2022-02-18 system change good or bad

Prophetic Word, received on February the 18th 2022 around 8:30pm during Shabat worship. There will be a change. A change in the system. Will it be better? Will it be worse? …depends on the viewpoint Sometimes rain is good, sometimes not. In season, out of season...
Word 2022-02-15 To the Church and to Africa

Word 2022-02-15 To the Church and to Africa

Prophetic word, received on February the 15th 2022 around 9:30 in the evening. I was just at the beginning of a prayer time when the word arrived. Note: Read the explanation at the end to get it better in the context/ details. They (the church) don’t realize it....