The Sound of the 7 Trumpets (Shofar)

Another piece of drumming related to the book of revelation, when the 7 trumpets (Shofarim) will sound. The last 7th one, surely will be the most interesting… Will we hear it audible here on earth, or will it be only a sound heard in the heavenly places?...
Word 2022-05-16 Short unprecedented summer

Word 2022-05-16 Short unprecedented summer

Prophetic Word, given on May 16th 2022 – late evening (no specific time) Note: This word is full with metaphors, so I highly recommend to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and give you understanding and wisdom for deeper understanding. I will explain the...
The Rapture and the harvest

The Rapture and the harvest

The second piece of drumming related to the rapture or preferably using the word taking of the bride And… very important, also the harvest of souls. Recorded in January 2022 Enjoy Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:...
The Rapture and your neighbors

The Rapture and your neighbors

Another drum session! BUT… What has the rapture to do with drums? Well, not so much, but the goofball sometimes change the place from the couch to the drums Actually, when I speak about rapture I rather refer to the taking of the bride. Take a look: Links to the...
The Bible on drums

The Bible on drums

What has the bible to do with drums? Well, you can discuss it back and forth – that relation is not the most important More important for us ot have a relationship with the Lord Yeshua and listen to His word by His Spirit and through His written Word. The Bible/...