Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions

Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions

Message 2024/07 Distractions and Deceptions, Month 04 Note: Well, just felt like to come up with another message, not a prophecy, though you never know it might contain some prophetic elements, as like my parody when I started to gathered together my ideas in April...
Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Word 2023-09-18 Time is up, Worship of good or evil, Repent

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-09-18 around 6:30am Note This word jumps back and forth between two groups of people. So listen carefully of who is addressed and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and understanding, especially with...