Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 2024/12 Drones and Dreams

Message 12/2024, Month 05 This message was a bit delayed as Internet broke. I hope this modern surveillance radiation technology, made in China will not break again. However, one day, it might not be possible to share the way the truth and the life – so a little...
Message 2023/12 The final countdown

Message 2023/12 The final countdown

The final countdown, Message 2023/12 (in warpspeed) Today I want to share some thoughts about the Gregorian year 2023 as it is coming slowly/quickly to the end First of all it is incredible how fast this year has passed by. A lot of things happened. READ MORE Most...
Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Word 2023-02-17 The Thunder and the Word

Prophetic word, given, 2023-02-17 around 17:45hrs Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy Beginning of Prophecy: It’s coming down like thunder Not a thunder you know, but a thunder, the children of Israel were afraid of...