Word 2023/10/27 Breakthrough, Fire and Light

Word 2023/10/27 Breakthrough, Fire and Light

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-10-27 around 8:00pm (during worship) Note: As always, before you read or listen to this word, ask the Holy Spirit got counsel and to give you wisdom and understanding. This word contains a number of metaphors, though some of them look...
Word 2023-10-02 Alert, warning, emergency test for October 04

Word 2023-10-02 Alert, warning, emergency test for October 04

Alert test, warning for October 04, Prophecy, given on Word 2023-10-02 10:30pm Note: I heard about some sort of a test-run, emergency alert or whatever they name it on the 4th of October. Guess they might do it again another day. Some people give a warning to switch...