You cannot keep Shabat if you don't keep it properly To keep shabat "properly" you also can say "correct and accurate" What it means is written fairly clear in the scripture (bible) The most important is definitely the correct day But it includes also things like rest...
2012/02/05 – Yeshua wanna have persistent fruit
Think about: I, Yeshua wanna have persistance fruit! I love more 3 (that you bring to me) 3 persistant fruits in all of your life as 100.000 that were sowed under thorns – those who grew up but after a while they choke underneath or even less those who did not grow at...
2012/02/01 – The book is full
The book is full It happened that I wrote into my notepad. I came to the last page the last lines ann as it was so-called full those words came to me: Also my book is full and will become fulfilled (HE speaks about the scripture/ bible) Only a little time left and...
2012/02/01 – Unclean touching, hearing and ability to see
Unclean touching (especially in the sexual area) destroys the hearing of the “victim” AND your own ability to see. Eventhough for masturbation for example is the same. In that case you are perpetrator and victim at the same time and destroy your own ability to see and...
2012/02/01 – You cannot replace my glory with anything else
You cannot replace my glory with anything else
01.12.2011 – The crisis the chaos and the Media
The crisis the chaos that is going around in this world is not about finances or economy (economy crisis) or whatever we can read hear or see. It's about the END The enemy (devil) know that his time will shortly come to an end. So he tries to kill as much as possible...
2011/11/10 – I (Yeshua) will come suddenly!
I will come suddenly! Many times I have spoken with other people about the return of Yeshua (Jesus) Always they responding with the same arguments of Mt.24:36 or Mk.13:32 that no-one knows the day and the hour when HE will return. Yes, and also many times the...
2011/11/08 – Things will change when the real crisis will come
Things will change when the real crisis will come When watching the news and all around here in the land I thought: well, crisis is here - maybe not extreme but it is. The word sounded for me as there is almost no crisis at all yet. We will see what will happen or...
2011/10/21 – Go back and tell the people, I am coming soon.
Since a long long time I managed going to the Kotel (western wall). There standing at the wall praying I heard the Lord Yeshua saying: Go back and tell the people, I am coming soon. It sounded for me really urgend – in the way: be ready, it could be in every moment!
2011/10/21 – Go back and tell the people, I am coming soon.
Since a long long time I managed going to the Kotel (western wall). Actually 2 times. The second time I heard the Lord Yeshua saying: "Go back and tell the people, I am coming soon." It sounded for me really urgend - be ready!