Who is the Shepherd and Who is the Bride? Actually this song became a bit of a weird balance how to express the lyrics between a dance in romance and glorious joy. It speaks about the future (maybe personally of my bride). One day, those who love the bridegroom ישוע...
The Torah written on your Heart not on Paper
A song for relaxing background with a saxophone sound leading melody. Title: The Torah written on your Heart not on Paper. To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below
Where is my Shepherd
This song speaks partly of the parable of the lost sheep and lost son in Luke 15. Many times I am wondering if there is a good shepherd and a good father that loves us. I wrote that song as well from a personal perspective. But at the same time it is a prophetical cry...
Why do I always need an orchestra or a big band to make a big noise? Here you hear are only 3 instruments: Mini Moog synthesizer, Bass-guitar and Drums. Sounds more complicated as it is Title: Synergy Version 1: The song complete Version 2: The last part of the song,...
It’s war
It happened to me one day when I was outside on a hill and stayed there over night in a sleeping bag.... Early in the morning I thought I had a weird dream. But it was not... It was real... There was shooting around. Finally I only thought, hopefully I will be able to...
Get Ready
Bizarre driven Music almost confusing theme, with focussing on intense Drums playing almost like a solo Played on an electronic Drumset from Drum-tec with a Roland TD-20x module. Title: Get Ready To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the...
Out of time and space
This Solo is played with an electronic drum set. Drum-tec Sapeli. It is a great electronic set with an acoustic look. The module was a Roland TD-20x (as much as I remember). Though it is a amazing set, possibly one of the best... But somehow prefer acoustic drumsets -...
Promikon 1996
This was my last concert as a drummer with a big set. I played much of it similar to the drumsolo in Aidlingen 2 years earlier, yet a tiny bit modified and advanced. However, it turned out to be quiet a mess. It was freezing cold those days, and my electronic devices...
Drumsolo Aidlingen 94
This was my very last concert with a band. It was funny as I used to be a drummer in both bands that were playing at that concert. The startup-band I was actually in and the headliner I played before. We decided that I will play my farewell-solo at the end after the...
Changes will come
Hopeful expectation of better things to come. Gentle Backgroundmusic Title: Changes will come To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below