
Message and Song – The “special” Christmas Tree 2023

Message and song - The Christmas Tree (2023) Christmas... and the Tree... Well, as I mentioned the last years that I am not celebrating this pagan festival but today I have not a message but as in the headline mentioned something ″special″. Oh, actually... I'm trying...

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To My Dearest One

To My Dearest One Studio Version of a lovesong It is a reflection to Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs), where it speaks about a romantic love between two people. Yet, at the same time it reflects the love that Yeshua the bridegroom has for us as His bride. The origins are...

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Message March 2022 It’s war – (with song)

Message March 2022 about war - as there is literal the (current) war in Ukraine, when actually there was never a time without a war, yet this time it is just in the focus of the Mainstream liars. And surprisingly now also all Christians suddenly seem to wake up. I am...

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Bo Adonai

Piano Improvisation with singing. Another Hebrew word: BO Adonai Bo is Hebrew means "come". COME LORD! And honestly I cannot cry often enough that He will come and clean up this madness. Yes, one day He will come (probably sooner than we think). Revelation 22:17...

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Remain Holy

Piano Improvisations with singing Remain Holy. How will we be able to remain Holy? Very hard in this world where wickedness, evil and madness is constantly increasing and attacking us. I like the word that describes Holy which is "Set Apart" Set apart from what? I...

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Piano Improvisations with singing What does Tshuvah means? Actually it can be written also T'shuvah or Teshuvah with or without the "h" at the end. There is no official law how to transliterate Hebrew letters in Latin stuff. But Tshuvah means literally "return",...

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Piano Improvisation with singing A bit a strange title, right? There is a word in there Kadosh, which is Hebrew and means Holy. Somehow I came to add some kind of a "delay", ending with the ananana... YHWH said: be holy as I am holy. Not an easy task but I ask...

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I will fly

Piano Improvisation with vocals An unusual short piece of improvisations. Maybe because my skills of flying are not so great. I wish I would have more time to soar in the Holy Spirit. Most times, when this happens then suddenly a distraction heads in - in what way and...

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At the end of the road

Piano Improvisations We walk the way in our life. One day we will reach the end of the road. My question: How do we finish our walk and who will wait there for us? Sometimes the road is rough, sometimes is kinda smooth. I am looking forward to mee my Lord and King...

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Adonai El Gibor

Piano Improvisations with singing Great is the Elohim of Avraham, Yzchak and Ya'acov. Great and awesome is Yeshua. Title: Adonai El Gibor This Album is actually not available on Pond5 (Many of the Songs of "Toda Adonai" are anyway longer than 10 minutes -and that’s...

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