Home 9 Words 9 Word 2025/02/22 The END of the day

Word 2025/02/22 The END of the day

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-22 around 10:00PM

This word has a bunch of metaphors, figurative elements and parables, that are scattered all over the place, so please ask prayerful that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all things.

Beginning of Prophecy:

We are at the end of the day.
The night is just around the corner and most people are not prepared. Without light and enough oil, they will sit in the dark and stare into the vacuum of foolishness.

One coup after the other will be pushed. The devil starts to realize, his time is much shorter than the had planned and desired to deceive all mankind. As time is speeding up, the plans prepared for years ahead are being pulled out of the drawers to be performed before they are completed in all evil details. Many of these tasks will become massive disasters, not only for mankind, but also for the wicked ones, while other plans will turn out more deadly, which will reveal a deeper plot with many dark secrets behind them.

Instead one pizza at the time they will put many at the same time in the diabolic oven. Some of them will be burned, others half baked or hardly at all, made to force the population to eat it. The result of the rushed execution will bounce back. The devil is already very displeased with many of his human slaves. His demand for blood is higher than the amount they can deliver. Without mercy and pre-warning he will chop some of them off.

For many generations, democracy was on the lips of many nations to be the best way to keep peace and pretend to be the greatest form of governance. But not one country keep up with their promises, because massive greed and corruption hides behind the facade. Democracy a wish on paper, a lie for public by those who run the matrix system. Very soon you will see the truth of it, like a fire jumping from one country to the next. First a hidden form where everything seem to go better than ever before, but its true face doesn’t lie.

History books are being re-written in record time – synchronized to technology and knowledge, increasing speed, programming the future for dreadful devastation. But the greatest attempt is to alter My Word, My Story I wrote for mankind, to remember My covenant I gave to Adam, Noach, Avraham, Yzchak, Yaacov and David. Unbreakable promises I gave you and they are on the target. The greatest promise I gave you at the cross that everyone shall have a chance to enter My kingdom in My Fathers house, Yet this is also being ridiculed and mocked, while new books, called bibles twist it beyond stretch yet so subtle, that many will not see the power of My blood anymore and My salvation power is not in these books.

Calamities are at the horizon and like a tsunami will enter quickly the shores of humanity. Fires from above, fires from below, shaking and quaking, wars and rumors of wars are about to increase rapidly – but what are you doing oh men? Are you dreaming of a better world with nations becoming greater due to other politicians? You act as if everything is fine and you have all the time in the world. Have you never heard the word suddenly?

You think as propaganda deceived you, peace and safety is a long term guarantee. You designed an illusion of peace Nobel prize a piece of paper and handed it over to the most corrupt and evil entities, who have nothing but war against their own people in their minds. And it’s established already because good has turned into evil and evil into good.

Because you are blind, you don’t see, that you are at the end of the day. A physically blind person is able to distinguish between day and night much better than you oh wicked leaders. There is only one light in this world that can give true light. I am the true living light that never dims. The sun will be darkened at her appointed time and the moon turn to blood, but My light will shine forever and ever. If you don’t walk in My light, the night will overcome you like a woman in travail.

You don’t know the day and the hour, but you can know the season like a pregnant woman knows; yet ignorance and carnal desires blinded your mind. Not only the people of this world, but many who walk week after week into churches, pretending to worship Me, but forget to worship Me in spirit and truth. One moment in time and they all will realize… it’s night. Suddenly all the warnings will flash like the highest alarm – the warnings you ignored will be back in your face.

Will I find faith when I return? Those who walk in righteousness and carry My light, will rejoice. My peace shall be with them like never before when everything is in turmoil. I know how to take care for everyone. I know how much distress each and every single soul individually can bear. Those that are Mine who walk in My ways or only stumble and crawl their way on the narrow path shall never be loaded with more than they can carry. They will never feel the last straw upon them that will break their backs. Though the loads of My beloved will always be at their limits, but I make sure not a single one will be crushed but strengthened for My glory until the day of their departure.

How this year, you number (to ooh) 25 will turn out for you doesn’t depend on politics, economy or natural events. It all depends on your distance to Me. If you truly cling to Me as close as your eyes in your eye sockets, your tongue in your mouth, the eardrum in your hearing chamber, then… even when heaven and earth will fall apart, it shall not touch you. There is no death in Me and there is nothing that can separate you from My love.

Though it looks from the outside perspective, there is no hope, but remember the children of Israel who were between Migdol and the sea when the wilderness had shut them in, without escape by human definition from the Egyptian army. Stand up like Moshe in faith. When you come to the end of your way, I will build a bridge to cross the troubled waters or give you wings to fly. At the end of the day with My light you will see where to go. When the fire comes to your tent, stand still and don’t bow down before men in hope for help and relief. My three friends met me in the burning furnace, and not a single hair of them was burned, even not any smell of fire could touch them. It was not a metaphor but reality. If you want to see such things again, stand like a light tower on My rock and the enemy will flee when their chains will melt like wax, but your garments of sackcloth will not be touched. I am the same, yesterday, today and forever and beside Me there is no other (God). Nho one else can save and rescue out of destruction, where human hands are at the end of their possibilities.

Oh wicked men in high places who think you can escape the night. You design laws to give yourself immunity against your crime and murder. The tables are turning for many. Even when you might escape liability and accountability before corrupt judges, of a system you set up to protect your mortal life and robbery. But you shall not escape the real night. Even if you create your own sun, it will not shine for you when My wrath falls upon you.

There is no other way to escape but by deep repentance. For those who eat and abuse little children and drink their blood in their secret chambers, many millstones are waiting, because you can’t hide anything from Me. I see your hearts all of stone, even harder like the one of Pharaoh. You shall drown in your own blood. How much I wish you would repent and turn away from your wicked ways, but all I see is blasphemy against Me and My anointed. Your desire is only to be with your father, the father of all lies. Many of you became already one with him and you believe his lies from morning til evening, so all your identity is a fabric of lies that covers you like your skin. A wolf remains a wolf, even if he dresses himself up as a sheep.

When the night has overcome you and you finally wake up in the reality of the outer darkness, you will know My truth that could have set you free as long you walked on earth. The relentless lust of your flesh have clogged your ears, so you can’t hear My word, to repent of your sins and cry out for mercy. There in the dark you will feel the same pain like the little ones you abused, raped and ripped out their organs while they were still alive. Your own blood mingled with burning sulfur you shall drink. Blood, rotten to the core, regardless how often you inject blood of young innocent into your veins. Within seconds your toxic wickedness converts it back to a defiled evil liquid. The only blood that could wash your sins away you reject, which is My blood. There is nothing you hate more than My love.

Unlike the precious children, whom I gave great talents of love and compassion to walk a blessed life in My ways, you, without grace, mercy and compassion will not feel the same pain they felt in your hands for a day, week, month or a couple of years until their bodies were shred into pieces by your wickedness – your pain will be for all eternity. And in midst of your pain and torment, greater pain will arrive, when you will constantly hear the screams of these little ones in your ears, in a volume where a starting fighter jet is a quiet whisper compared to it.

And more is the icing on the cake that you will know how I will hold these little ones in My loving arms and comfort them endlessly, while you will never ever feel any comfort at all anymore. Your refusal to repent will constantly stand before you with the full knowledge of My glory and the beauty in My kingdom. Though it’s beyond human comprehension, but there in your eternal place of torment and horror you shall in your decay understand all of it to the fullness, but never ever be able to get a tiny touch of it. Not even one drop of living waters shall cool down the heat of the fire on your tongue – not one single drop. You will be reminded from everlasting to everlasting your own sin, greed and selfishness and your rejection of My love, grace and mercy that brought you into this place that I originally prepared for the devil and his angels only. Gnashing of teeth with the worm that never dies on your side and within you instead of pure joy and holy laughter.

Dance with Me My beloved. Not a dance of worldly perversion, jumping up and down like a clown or a jumping jack to depraved music and sickening beats, with flickering lights like the angel with his pretending glory, but a symphony of Majesty of beauty. There is no disco or its music in heaven. Everything is harmony and peace. Fools have defined hundreds of different genres and deluded entertainers in churches have copied most of it instead worship Me in spirit and truth.

In heaven exists only one single genre. But the variety and glory exceeds all your imagination. Each song contains so much, you can listen to it a million years, (though time doesn’t exist in heaven) and you will never ever get bored because it is full of life and truth. Music on earth is like life there… it withers and dries and finally dies. Modern music the more has a very short lifespan, as like the temper of most people. It comes and goes and is forgotten in the vast ocean of muddy waters.

In hell, there is no music though the most people whom I have given an extraordinary amount of talent in the realm in music end up in that place. There they have to worship the devil without ceasing in pain and agony. They danced on the wide road that lead to destruction and used their talents to drag many souls with them into the eternal night. All the entertainment and their eternal destruction with distractions of the bread and circus show will not be heard anymore. All the wicked servants of the devil have only one focus, to lure as many as they can into obedience of all things towards the path to eternal death.

Come out of her My people, come out of her. Babylon the whore is fast on the way to her death bed where Jezebel will join her. There they will sing together the eternal song of death. Not a song of music and harmony, but a song of disgusting filth. Repent of your sins and run out of her, for the day declines and the night is approaching very fast. The horses are running, one after the other, and all in company together like harvesters along the fields. Most of the grain are being poured out on the ground where the birds of the air will eat it until there is nothing left.

Too many lazy servants don’t go out into the fields and rescue the grain from eternal destruction. It doesn’t matter, whether you gather the grain in the fields, carry them in your wheelbarrow into My barn where others are there to clean it and lay it in the appropriate storage, or support the laborers by preparing the lunch they need for the hard labor. All have to work together and there is none higher or lower. But it matters to Me if you stay at home and stare all day into the matrix with politics and world affairs and entertain yourself with deception.

If you don’t know your calling, ask Me – I have ears to hear. I hear the cries of the babies in the wombs on their way to the abortion centers. They know exactly what is about to come upon them, as they hear the mothers thoughts and feel their hate for a little precious life. The lack of compassion is like a sword that pierces through their tiny pure hearts.

And if you don’t have ears to hear My voice, humble yourself and seek Me in prayer, so I will give you ears to hear My voice and a heart to understand. Fear Me in reverend awe, so you will gain a heart of wisdom that will lead you by My Holy Spirit into all truth for true freedom and abundant blessings beyond your understanding. Not a prosperity blessing of greed but of life in truth and righteousness. Life on earth is only a tiny small fraction of the taste I have prepared for those who love Me and keep My commandments. And My commandments are not difficult to keep. Only men’s interpretation are impossible to keep.

I created everything easy and simple for any little child to understand. Summer, winter, heat and cold, boys and girls, up and down, left and right with righteousness, good and evil, heaven and hell, day and night. Learn and work while its day. The night comes when no one can work or learn anymore.

End of prophecy.

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