Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-05
Please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables.
Beginning of prophecy
You look into the world and wonder if this is just a movie and you are being tossed somewhere in the middle of it all. Wicked people who gained power by their contract(s) they signed with the devil, think and even believe, they are the directors of the show. They use massive distraction and deception to play the people. Bread and circus, where the most events are planned and directed by Gehenna’s servants and all their deceived drones and minions.
All an illusion of delusion in midst confusion by the one who is the author of all evil, confusion, deceptions and distractions who likes to fool the fools in the apparition of an angel of light.
Those leaders who don’t play well, receive a warning, a second warning and by the third they are out of the game, either removed from the stage or from the entire show. Weeping and gnashing of teeth is their next assignment. Not as a director or leader but as a perpetual pawn, like a piece of meat at the butchers cabinet, eternally in the loop of the grinder in misery.
A smokescreen that manifests the presence of witchcraft in plain sight while the people throw all kind of explanations and interpretations around.
People in this world complain and think, by their vote things can, or will change. But the so-called democracy change only the costume of illusion, which the butchers butcher assigns, while they are running by free choice to their slaughter on a very wide and crowded road. All over that road I placed signs that clearly displays the direction to the narrow path that leads to life, but still not many want to turn around in their fleshly walk and change their ways and thinking. In pain I see them walking from the slaughter to the eternal butcher. Still the same signs are in this world since thousands of years, but one day soon I will replace them. And those signs will intensify the blasphemy against Me and My anointed. In fury, those who hate My truth will be confronted with the truth and it will not set them free, but it will reveal their evil hardened hearts. Almost all in high places will know it is My call for them to repent, but instead to humble themselves, their hearts will become more hardened, where a diamond will be a soft pillow compared to their hearts. Though I wish they would come to Me, but as I tried to soften and turn Pharaoh’s heart, so will they also not turn as foretold, when the earth will boil by trials and tribulation with vials be poured out upon those who have not the mark of My holiness upon their forehead.
I would have a better way, a much better place where the people can land eternally, a place, where there is no sorrow and pain, nor a butcher who shreds the flesh and the bones apart. And instead of molten sulfur that they have to drink in their tiny cell at the butchers pigsty they could receive a home, beautiful beyond imagination in my Kingdom.
Who tells them that I am not a man that I can lie?
Churches? Not in many of these once great places, the preachers and teachers speak about repentance, forgiveness, changing of minds and hearts and the fear of Me anymore. Feel-well messages with a mouth confessing salvation prayer doesn’t bring anyone into My kingdom. Donation sermons don’t feed the poor and hungry. Selfish theology doesn’t restore broken relationships and families. Long, very long is the list of emptiness within churches. Scrolls after scrolls, almost endless, blank paper. Nothing that can feed the hearts of loneliness and despair.
Joy of this world is there, but no joy of My salvation. Baptisms like a party on a conveyor belt to spill smiles and likes on social media, yet without changing lives, hearts and minds. Holiness as a book with seven seals, which gains dust on the shelf when it should be the most fundamental and essential to dwell within the people there. Bribery for positions and leadership on all levels, conform and identical with the world. Not only the traditional institutes walk far from the narrow path, but also many of those who believe they are the true and only real church. Myriads of names and denominations, with some sort of faith yet without obedience to My will and My commandments.
Instead fishermen they sponsor businessmen and convert the buildings which they advertise as My house into a commercial market place for profit. Instead simplicity they invited intellectual academics as the displays of the pulpits. But their theology ends at the very same door of their man made constructions they entered, and their prayer bounces off the ceiling within it.
My disciples have been labeled as unlearned and so, without documents and certificates by the hierarchy rejected and expelled from all these dedicated exclusive front rows and positions. But til this very day, I have them still out on the streets where these unlearned fishermen preach without theological philosophy the truth because they spent days and nights with Me and still sit at My, feet and listen to My words. Like in old days, today the same; they are not many, but I hear their prayers, supplication, thanksgiving and tears, the mourning for the lost. Though hated by the apostasy churches, they don’t love their lives but lay them down for those whom I want to rescue and bring into My kingdom.
Get out of her My beloved, get out of her My bride, get out of Babylon, also leave as fast as you can the Babylonian church and all those who have ties to the Beast system and the matrix. I will deal with those churches, and see, if they repent or hold on to their pride, ignorance and arrogance. Time is ticking and is ticking faster and faster to the end til the moment when everything will change in a twinkling of an eye. Great weeping will come into those places with blindness to their leaders, the wolfs in sheep clothing.
End of Prophecy
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