Prophetic Word, given on 2023-03-16 around 9:20pm
This was rather a prophetic snapshot or whatever the best way to name it, because I received everything in an instant.
So because of that, to write it down was quiet a challenge.
And additionally somewhere in the middle of the writing I had to lay down and so went into sleep.
I felt as like someone smashed an ax straight in the middle of my head (more from the forehead), as to split my brain in two.
But hours later the word was still complete there.
I only felt very lousy the whole day.
Additional Information:
Some of the sentences ends with a question mark in the transcript but technically could also be a period or an exclamation mark…
just keep that in mind when reading.
And as always, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and understanding.
Beginning of Prophecy:
Are you ready?
Are you ready to come home?
To come home with Me, when I take My bride?
Are you ready for the tribulation, the final big one? (Matthew 24:21)
Ready for troubles, trials and persecution at your door? (Mark 13:19, John 16:33)
Are you ready for the man of sin? (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Are you ready when he declares himself as god? (2 Thessalonians 2:4)
Ready for the abomination of desolation? (Daniel 11:31, 12:11, Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14)
Ready for his commands, when you can chose between selling and buying or the guillotine? (Revelation 13:16-18)
Are you ready for My wrath? (Revelation 14:19, 15:1, 16:1-4, 8-21…)
Are you ready for the battle of Armageddon? (Revelation 16:16, 21:21)
If you want to be My bride, bring your house in order, repent, repent, repent, pray and seek My face, humble yourself, pick up your staff and follow Me. (James 4:10, 1 Peter 5:6, Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23, 14:27)
Become like a little child, love your neighbor as you love yourself. (Matthew 18:3, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31)
Keep My commandments as I kept My Fathers commandments. (John 15:10)
But don’t say you love Me and don’t (want to) keep My commandments! (John 14:15, John 5:2-3)
Feed those who are (really) hungry, clothe the naked, bless those who curse you, visit the orphans and widows in their loneliness. (Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 6:28, Romans 12:14)
A glass of water to the thirsty will I not forget. (Matthew 10:42, Mark 9:41)
My bride…. not many
Don’t judge so you will not be judged. (Matthew 7:1-2, Luke 6:37)
If you say the ″rapture″ is a false teaching you will make Me very small and put Me in a tiny box.
Chanoch walked with Me and so I took him out (to be with Me forever). (Genesis 5:22-24, 6:9, Hebrew 11:5)
Do you (really) think I am not able to do it anymore?
Have you not heard that I am the same yesterday today and forever? (Hebrew 13:8)
I will leave you behind (in the coming turmoil) when you think I am limited.
For those who are sleeping and ignorant make yourself ready for the big tribulation.
Tribulation you have already since the beginning, since centuries.
Some times more, some times less.
But if you want to join the final tribulation, keep on sleeping.
One day very soon you will wake up (in midst total chaos) and realize, you have better listened to My warnings, I have given everybody through the ancient prophets up til this very day!
If you keep ignoring My truth, My entire word, you shall not enter My rest.
No other way will remain except if you will be tried and refined by trials and tribulation and death. (1 Peter 1:7, Revelation 7:14)
Death on every corner you will see and you yourself will face the same.
So wake up now, don’t ignore My words any longer, repent and turn to Me with your whole heart.
This will be the only way to escape a world that will become really very rough.
Repent today because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring! (James 4:13-17)
Bring the righteous fruits of the spirit today, because tomorrow your fruit can be rotten. (Isaiah 3:10, Proverbs 11:30, James 3:18/ Galatians 5:22-23)
You know that I am the way, the life and the truth. (John 14:6)
And this is the reason to walk in My ways, My life and My truth, the words I shared with the world and all that dwell therein.
Words that have been written down while I walked the earth when I came in the flesh.
And even before, when I spoke to the fathers of great faith throughout history from generation to generation.
Before sport competitions, men warms up themselves.
Also animals warming up before they run in competitions.
Even car in races don’t start with cold engines.
So the man of sin is already warming up.
He is preparing himself to be ready! (to come on stage)
Dressed like a great king he will appear before the world.
Dressed like a foolish clown for a show of deception he is before Me.
Dressed like a savior he is going to present himself in eloquent speech of universal peace before the nations.
Many will see him and cheer when it looks like he solves all the problems his father in him has created, designed and orchestrated throughout generations.
It it would be possible he would even deceive My elect. (Matthew 24:24)
Be ready and repent if you want to save your soul, if you are still there by that time and see him standing on the holy place.
Be ready to be martyred for My names sake.
If you love your life and bow down before him, before the image of the beast, before the man of sin, the man of perdition, you will lose it. (John 12:25, Revelation 13:15, 14:11, 20,4)
Calculate the cost before you built your house on selfish sandy ground. (Luke 14:28-30, Matthew 7:24-27)
Only in Me and on My rock, under the shelter of My wings you are truly safe in the coming storms.
(Psalm 27:5, 61:5, 71:3, 91:1)
If you want to be ready for My wrath, then continue to wallow in your sinful ways.
Continue to walk in religious pride and arrogance, thinking you know My word better than everyone and even better than Me.
Continue with your appearance of righteousness and godliness and continue to reject and deny My power. (2 Timothy 3:5)
If you continue to reject My grace in which you can be saved and don’t forgive those who offended you, even your brothers and sisters seventy times seven, you will feel My power in a way you are not pleased. (Matthew 18:21-22, 6:9-15)
The day comes when you will not be able to deny My power any longer, nor My existence.
The evidence of man made disasters and destruction will be a vapor compared to My wrath.
As Moshe stood before Pharaoh, the wizards could compete only for a little while with their sorceries and trickery. (Exodus 7:11, 7:22, 8:7)
But at one point it became so clear that My hand did this, Pharaoh an his companions refused to repent and let My people go. (Exodus 8:16-19)
So in the last days when I will pour out My wrath, men’s hearts will become harder than diamond. (Revelation 9:20-21)
The only thing they are going to do is to reject Me the more and continue with their disgusting sinful abominations.
Sodom and Gomorrah was a picnic in the park compared to what will come.
Are you ready to fight physically against the Nephilim and demons?
You have a free choice, the free will I have given every living soul.
Yes, the giants will be coming back at the end of the days.
You can decide on which side you want to fight at the battle of Armageddon.
Make yourself ready if you don’t fight on My side!
Armageddon will be completely different as to the 30-year war, world war one, two, Vietnam, Ukraine or War number three.
Nations will come against Me with all sort of weapons, nuclear, biological, chemical, laser and energy (at Armageddon).
Yet a gentle breath out of My nostrils is enough to wipe them all away.
Even Gideon with his 300 in My anointing would be enough to blow them into the four winds.
But there, with a cheerful shout, all My saints will be ready to see the final destruction of all evil and wickedness.
Clothed in holy garments they will watch the same victory of what I have done at the cross.
Though I don’t need to shed My precious blood again in the same way because this was done, once and for all.
But they will see the victory simply from another perspective.
What a joy it will be for those who were ready and have not accepted the mark of the beast nor ever worshiped his image.
In that battle, some of them have been gone long ago, some I took like Chanoch, some went through tribulation with the testimony of Me have not denied My Name Yeshua. (Revelation 2:13, 3:8)
A few I kept til the very end, virgins who have not defiled themselves with the world and all it’s lies. (Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5)
I kept them for the time when I will reign on earth with a rod of iron for a thousand years.
But all of them were ready to enter into My rest.
If anyone thinks he can bypass any afflictions or suffering, whether a little or a lot I tell you: NO!
Even those who got murdered in their mothers womb experience horrible suffering.
Yes, abortions does not take long according to your definition of time and your human thinking.
But people have no clue of how much a child suffers before the final execution in the womb.
Their experience is like sitting in a cattle car, rolling towards Auschwitz, knowing, sooner or later they will be exterminated.
From the day of the decision of abortion the door in the cattle car closes and the ride begins.
Even on the way to the abortion camp, there is no air to breathe anymore.
It doesn’t matter, if the time between decision and action is only a few days apart…
Every minute feels like forever for this precious soul in a tiny body.
Some gruesome methods of abortions almost reaches the physical intensity of pain and suffering I had from My prayer in the garden until I got nailed at the cross on that hill.
Beaten, ripped in pieces alive and then sold for 30 pieces of silver.
Be ready if this sin is forgiven by your honest repentance and tears to see your child again.
The unrepentant will see them as well at the battle of Armageddon.
And there they will look their own child whom they have murdered straight into their face.
And they will recognize and know of who they are.
I tell you they will not be ready for the shock – yet it will be too late to reconcile and repent.
They will see the tears of their children who desired their parents to repent and not to perish for all eternity.
Yet I will personally wipe their tears away. (Isaiah 25:8, Revelation 7:17, 21:4)
On the other side the children will see most of them with a rejecting look… freezing cold eyes without any regret.
Only in eternal torment these cold faces will be heated up by the fire that burns forever and ever. Full with worms that will never die, they will be reminded of their sins.
Too late, too late for all those who have not been ready to repent now, to come to Me and ask Me daily for forgiveness.
I have promised, if you come to Me I will forgive and in eternity don’t remember your sins anymore. (Isaiah 43:25)
So be ready, if you hear My voice, if you hear my knocking at your door to open it and invite Me into your heart. (Revelation 3:20, Hebrews 3:15, 4:7)
There I will make room.
I will cleanse it from deep within, decorate it with beauty and joy by My Holy Spirit.
Then I will guide you all the way to My Father in heaven.
Are you ready to meet Me in the air?
Be ready, trust and obey My voice!
When I have cleansed you, go and sin no more! (John 5:14)
Many will not be ready when they have not been ready now.
When times and trials and tribulation will increase, they will turn away. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
Cold, lukewarm they will fall away and I will spit them out of My mouth. (Revelation 3:16)
Time is now to prepare and fill your lamp with oil.
When the night comes you fall asleep.
That’s the time when I will come and enter the wedding.
In that moment there is no more time to get ready and find oil. (Matthew 25:1-3)
Today, yes, today is the day of salvation.
To be ready is similar as obedience, as it exists only in the present.
So obey My commandments, be ready with a (permanent) repentant heart, today, now!
Pray without ceasing that you will be able to stand before Me with My desire to find someone with faith. (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 18:8)
To find faith, that is worthy to enter My wedding in My kingdom.
Soon, yes, very soon you will be with Me if you obey!
I am not too late as to some of you it looks and feels like.
A little light, a little day and night and I will be out the door in your sight.
In a twinkling of an eye when those who are ready will be transformed into My Glory and then shall meet Me in the sky. (1 Corinthians 15:52)
Be holy for I am holy. (Leviticus 11:44-45)
Time is short, time soon will be no more.
I am coming, I am coming, whether you believe it or not.
Whether you are ready or not does not change Me.
I am ready for My Fathers command (when He sends Me).
I am ready to take those home to Me who are prepared and ready to the place that is prepared and ready for you. (John 14:3)
Another plague, another pestilence, another war, another disaster, another earthquake shake, another spilling mountain, another lie of the devil… will not interfere or disturb those who are ready in Me! (John 16:33)
End of Prophecy
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