Prophetic Word given on 2022-11-25 during worship, playing piano.
The word was actually in a form of singing
This word was given during worship while playing piano in a singing form.
Shmah, also written as Shemah – means hear/ listen
More details in the meaning go to Strongs H8085 / and other sources like biblehub or so.
Tshuvah, also Shuvah from Shuv – means return/ turn (Strongs H7725)
Beginning of Prophecy:
Shma Israel – Tshuvah
Thunder is coming
*** Note/ Info:
At that very moment a bright thunderbolt were flashing outside the window in relative close distance.
And indeed right when I said this there was a very bright thunderbolt right outside of the window.
There was actually not a big thunderstorm during that time, just a few flashes
(continue with prophecy)
Israel Tshuvah, Israel Tshuvah
Shma Israel, Shmah Israel, Shmah Israel Tshuvah
Oh Mashiach, Mashiach is waiting for you
is waiting for you to return, is waiting to return to Him
Shmah Israel
Yeshua is waiting
When will you turn?
When will you turn back to Me?
Yeshua says, when will you turn back to Me?
When will you turn back?
Not much time is left for you Oh Israel
I am waiting for you such a long time
I waiting for you; I waited for you, oh (as like) the time with Avraham Yzchak and Yaacov
Oh come to Me, come to Me Israel
You are playing with the fire,
but this is not My fire,
it’s the wrong fire of the enemy
Look to My fire, the real holy fire.
The fire of love, the fire in Torah
From Torah up to the cross (up til heaven)
My patience with you is almost over
Listen, Listen Israel
Turn to Me
(To) the ways of the fathers, the righteous ways of Noach
The righteous ways of Avraham
The righteous ways of the son, Yeshua
The blood at the cross poured out for you
Not much longer, not much longer until I take My bride
Have oil in your lamps
Oil overflowing in the presence of your enemies
Your cups overflowing
Your cups shall overflow in righteousness
Have I not called you before I laid the foundations of the earth?
Why are you hiding behind your traditions of men?
Why are you hiding behind evil men?
Come out of your hiding place and see the hiding in the rock
Seek the hiding under the shelter of My wings
HalleluYah HalleluYah
Under The shelter of My wings,
The wings of the Most High
My shelter shall be your shelter
Stand upon the rock when the winds are blowing
Stand on the rock when the waves are coming
Stand on the rock in the storm
…or else you will be washed away with the coming storm
You will be washed away if your house is built on sand
Take the time, the little time that is left
To come unto the rock of your salvation
End of prophecy.
Deuteronomy 6:4
Ezekiel 18:30, 33:11
Matthew 25:1-13
Psalm 61, Psalm 91
Matthew 7:24-27
Psalm 23
This prophecy is not about the land of Israel but for the children of Israel which are not the Jews alone. It includes all those who are original Israelite’s which are actually Hebrews. And it includes those who are grafted in.
Interestingly enough was the beginning, when a split second after the word “thunder is coming” there was that bright thunderbolt outside.
Things like that does not happen so often to me.
But it might give some evidence of confirmation.
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