Prophetic Word, received on January 31st at 9:11pm
Though it is a prophetic word, this message is rather a prayer request.
Because… The Lord has not given me permission to share the entire word.
He shared some to me but He said I could not handle all the truth about it.
This sounded to me that it is way more evil as what I am able to make up in my mind
Worse than WWI and WWII
What I can share is this:
That word speaks about CERN:
This underground Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
And this is the one sentence that I am permitted to share for now:
″It was never (really) about particles spinning around.″
The purpose they built was so much more sinister that even most the scientists and people working there don’t know – and definitely far away from the official claim.
However, just think about:
Do you think that the Goddess Shiva is just a decoration in front of that building there?
So I’ leave it up to you to pray in the Holy Spirit to get the wisdom how to pray.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers and rulers of darkness of this age and against spiritual hosts in heavenly places.
And if you put on the armor of Adonai.
We have been given in church always the picture in Ephesians 6 that it supposedly a comparison like a Roman soldier.
But I learned not too long ago, the armor where it speaks about, it is not a form like a brainless Soldier who is hired by a tyrannical ruler.
But the armor represents the garment of a righteous priest, like Aharon to be Holy.
The details are listed in Exodus 28.
Do you think an unholy soldier will fight against evil spirits?
Or shall we fight with with such a soldiers costume against spiritual beings?
Even though you may say, oh, it’s just a metaphorical description…
If you never heard the definition of a priestly garment, make your own conclusion and research, which one you would prefer.
Please pray without ceasing…
For a little bit more words details, watch the video on one of these platforms
I might post some of the words from that prophecy another time,
whenever the green light for that might come.
Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:
Or watch it directly here on Rumble