Prophetic Word, given December the 14th 2021 around 3:45 in the morning (night).
Who will (be able to) stand before Me?
Not many!
Most people will fail before Me.
They will kneel and beg for mercy.
But I will say: ″NO″!
If you beat other people with a rod (or something else), you don’t beat people, but you beat Me.
If you hurt them, you don’t hurt them but hurt yourself.
Every person who came out of the mothers womb is made in My image.
What you do to them, or your neighbor you do unto Me.
Yes, there are already non-humans out there.
Their (final) destination is already sealed.
For all other people, the door for repentance (by grace) is still open.
But soon… it’s coming to a close.
(After that) through deepest darkness I will give you a last chance to repent and come to Me.
That (coming) season you can’t pass by (without) your physical death.
Death will be the price for your salvation (if you repent and turn from your crooked ways).
Not many are willing to pay that price.
Most will turn like Lot’s wife.
And as soon they turn there will be no other second chance.
Lot’s wife could not repent anymore.
You will not turn into a pillar of salt but all salt and flavor will be taken away from you.
And (then) demons, 7 times worse than before will enter your soul.
The righteous are the only ones who will stand before Me.
Yes, they will (also) bow down.
But they will do it out of adoration with thanksgiving.
While they bow (before Me) I will give them their crown.
The crown of their rewards that will follow them for all eternity.
A crown of righteousness.
A crown of beauty.
A crown of Love.
The only tears they will have will be tears of joy.
And I will remember their sins no more.
All tears, guilt and shame will be wiped away.
(My) Glory will be on their faces.
White as snow through the power of My Blood,
all their sins be washed (away) clean and pure.
And when they have received their crowns they will stand before Me.
And I will lead them – each one of them personally – into the green pastures, where they will be with Me forever.
The kiss of righteousness have made them whole.
They will be transformed the way I have created them from the very beginning.
Immortal in My image.
But for those who treated ″My Image″ (in every way shape or form, during their life here on earth) will also receive their ″reward″.
The greater the sin, the greater the crown.
But their crown will be a crown of disgust.
A crown of horror.
A crown of perversion.
A crown of hate.
That crown will feel (to them) like the crown of thorns they put on My head while I dwelt among you.
Additionally to the pain, their crown will burn, will hate, will hurt, will torn their soul and body in pieces without mercy.
And the devil will lead them into their (personal) chambers of fire, and their sins will follow them, will follow them forever.
They will have no tears because the fire (there) will burn it away.
The more they cry, the more the sin, the heavier the crown.
They will cry for mercy by blaspheming My Name.
Death will follow death for all eternity.
With every death their hate against Me will increase but I will hear them no more.
The lake of fire will be far away from My beloved.
Hold on, be still and know that I Am.
I am waiting for you since thousands of years to be with Me.
Soon the books will close and other books will be opened.
The days of this world are numbered, so the ones who will be with Me.
And their fulfillment is coming to an end.
Just a very short season of darkness and ice.
The ice are the result of the hearts of men.
Just as love grew cold, the winter will be.
In springtime I will look around of how many hearts survived and can blossom again.
Referring scriptures: (some might be a little bit out of context, but you may get it)
Psalm 22:29/ Isaiah 45:23/ Isaiah 14:11/ Philippians 2:10
Genesis 19:26
Matthew 12:43-45
Romans 11:25
Leviticus 26
Hebrews 8:12
Psalm 46:10
Matthew 24:12
Isaiah 25:8/ Isaiah 1:18
Genesis 1:27
Revelation 20:2/ Daniel 7:10-11
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