Home 9 Words 9 Word 2021-11-14 Not much longer! No truth…

Word 2021-11-14 Not much longer! No truth…

Prophetic word, received November the 14th around 4:44 in the morning

The first sentence of the word in this prophecy looks more or less like the answer of the first sentence of the prophecy the day before (Nov.13th)
And some in this word sounds very much in the future.
Both time, the first sentence was clear as daylight.

Don’t think, they (the wicked) continue much longer.
When someone lies to you hundred times, do you believe, suddenly he will tell you the truth?
When they say, because of the pressure of the Media or whoever, or bla bla bla…
that tissues of unborn babies are not in the vaccines anymore?
Yes, they removed it from the list of the ingredients!

You heard this saying that rather hell will freeze
as if the devil will speak a single word of truth.
Or how can someone who don’t know the truth tell the truth?
It’s impossible for the devil to speak any truth, so his servants are doing the same.

And the devil will even not tell the truth to his servants.
They only thing he does, is to blind them with money and fame and wonderful (worldly) things.
At the end of all promises he laughs at them, when they are forced to worship him in pain and agony, separated from My love (forever).

And there are no vaccines that truly exist, they all are drugs to keep mankind addicted to the system (of profit).
My Word is the only true protection.
Sin will lead to death, My commandments to life.
My blood is all you need to overcome.
Sin and death is covered, conquered by My blood.
Drink it, eat my flesh to have eternal life, though for (most people) the earthly body will decay.

One drop of blood and the whole valley of dry bones will live.
You will see soon the remnant rising with rivers of life flowing.
It will flow until the day, when the devil will deceive many, by copying the same with trickery.
He will revive Hollywood and there all they will play to deceive even the elect if I would not shorten the time.

Yet My prophets will warn the people before this will come.
And even as they do prophecy, many will still follow the lies and deceptions by (faked) miracles.

Scripture that goes along with this prophecy:
John 8:44
Joel 2:28/ Acts 2:17
Mt 9:37-38/ Luke 10:2

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