Word 2021-07-21 13:40
It was partially like a conversation, me asking questions to Yeshua (marked as ″–>″)
Me: When are you going to end this Vax thing (or the whole Covid nonsense)?
–>: Not yet!
Me: Why not?
–>: There are yet not enough who bowed down and had a chance to receive their commitment stamp, still too many placebos.
I will not send the angel of death before it’s time.
But soon he will be released.
Me: what is soon?
–>: Sooner than you think.
Me: I heard that before often times but still nothing happened for a long time.
–>: Wait and see and you don’t even need to open your eyes.
You will be able to smell it like dead rats and animals, worse than cockroaches.
By next year, all will be done in an instant, in a moment, faster than anyone can breathe to speak out.
Hold your breath for that moment and you (all) will be surprised how I will perform everything.
Not by men’s commandments but by My Spirit all flesh will know who I am . The I am, the One who was, who is and who is to come.
Before you go to sleep, ask me again and I will tell you.
In a dream, in a vision, in My presence in My Glory when you (are) awake.
I will bring you down, I will bring you out, I will bring you in, into My destiny I prepared for you. In my time in your peace.