Word 2021-07-12 20:15
There are days that will come you have not seen before.
Days of prosperity, days of calamity,
days of blessings, days of victory,
days of triumph, days of trumpets, days of Trump, days of desperation
days of honor, days of old, days of new
People will rise, people will fall – and fall will be for the fall
Streams of living waters will flow in-midst of terror and death.
As My light shines in the darkness, so you My beloved.
People don’t know what is coming and if you tell them, they won’t believe.
And the church is asleep.
And, when the days are here, when things will shift, (many) people will still not change.
Like in the days of Noach, the people did continue playing their games even as it started to rain.
The flood went higher and higher and higher and higher and it reached the height of the tower (so high) as they wanted to built.
Today as the floods are rising My sons and daughters, come into My ark.
The Ark of my covenant I’ve made with Adam and Chavah.
The Ark that Moshe saw to build, I gave him at Mt.Sinai.
The Ark of Noach that rested in the heights/land of Mt.Ararat.
The Ark of Grace, the renewed covenant My people have forgotten, to know Me, to meet Me, to see Me, to touch Me, to smell Me, to hear me, listen and obey – to live.