Home 9 Words 9 Word 2022-08-16 The Earth is passing away / OSAS…?

Word 2022-08-16 The Earth is passing away / OSAS…?

Prophetic word, given on 2022-08-16, around 9pm after a time of personal worship.

As always, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word, especially with the metaphorical
and figurative elements.
And when it speaks about I, Me, My, Mine, it’s not that goofball sitting here on the couch but it’s the Lord Yeshua through His Holy spirit.
To distinguish them better, these words are written in Capital.

Beginning of prophecy:

The world is passing away but My word will never pass away.
A layer of sin like a dense smog covers the entire face of the earth.
All types of natural pollution with it’s venomous particles are nothing compared to the density and toxicity of sin.
A storm of clean fresh air can blow away any dense smog, fog or smoke in hours, but sin needs a different much stronger wind.
The Holy Wind of the Spirit is available to blow away sin in seconds.

But men enjoy so much to wallow and bathe in sin and don’t want the Holy Wind.
Yes, they are (even) afraid of it, that they rather hide in clefts and under rocks with the desire to fall upon them instead to change their crooked ways.

On the wide road that leads to destruction they smoke their cigarettes, weeds and perversion by thinking this is cool.
In midst this dense fog and smoke from false fire they give away their bodies and souls into the hands of lust and corruption.
Do they ever learn?

What would you do if you ask someone to repent and they do not?
Jonah became angry even as the big city of Nineveh repented.
He may had become happy if they all would have perished.
And you mock the prophets as false when they prophecy disaster and it does not come to pass because people repent?

And then, if you ask someone to repent 7 times and he does not… what about that?
Do you desire him to perish still for all eternity?
Do you know how that feels like?

Would you try it 70 times 7 times?
No, you would give up trying it even with less than 7 times.
Are you willing to stand in the gap for your family, friends, neighbors and your entire nation?
Are you willing to bring them before Me on your knees like Moshe for a stiff necked and hard heartened nation
in the wilderness?

The stone is rolled away… what are you looking for?
Let the dead bury the dead.
The tomb is empty, you are looking and searching at the wrong place.
How many people search at the wrong places and worship faithful servants of old or even kiss their images?
I have never commanded you to do so.
Though I see all the hearts, so many who truly seek for Me. Yet those all have been blinded and deceived by doctrines and traditions of false shepherds who are in fact ravenous wolfs under their skin.

For those outside the tombs, don’t judge for you will be judged against your own judgment by Me.
When you see someone who worship icons and idols, get down humbly on your knees and face and pray for them so their eyes will be opened to turn away, but come to Me and kiss Me, the Holy One.
That kiss will transform their lives for all eternity.

Stay away from pointing your finger (in judgment) towards anyone.
The same finger will point back to you one day, like in a mirror.
To walk with Me was not your effort or smart mind but the love of My Father who have drawn you to Him through Me, the son of righteousness.
It was grace and pure love.
Your works can never justify you.

There is this place where the return-journey begins.
At the cross.
Yet, if you are lazy and think, it’s an easy journey, soon enough you will figure out how your self righteousness vehicle will turn you back and smash the tree where I hung for you into pieces.
Left will be for you only a beam in your eye.
That beam is made to lead you astray to the “Autobahn (*)” into eternal destruction.

Don’t play the old sinful game and thing because once you turned to the cross you think you can’t turn again?
Oh yes you can and this is disastrous as many have been falling away turning from their turn.
Sadly too many to count.

If you turn into the narrow path that leads to life, keep in mind, it is hard labor to drive on a very bumpy road.

Some will be on a dry path with hardly any signs in the wilderness;
Others on a mountain trail with hundreds of crossroads and possibilities with many, but very tiny signs, those that can easily be missed.
Some will be walking close along the edge of a very high cliff sometimes narrow on both sides and winds a gusting from left to right.
Some might be climbing on a steep and rocky terrain without solid ground under their feet, while others are in snow and ice on an almost invisible route that appears endless.
Beside these are many other individual courses, unique for each person.
Yet non is easy or without danger.

And most people I see on their walk carrying loads of things on their shoulders.
Who commanded you to do that?
Do you not know that I promised to carry it for you.
My burden is light and My yoke is easy but you rather like to carry the cup I drank and the tree I hung.

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
But remember, I am praying for you that you will not fall.
Also remember, it’s your choice if you want to continue the walk on the path in righteousness or not.
But keep in mind, no matter, how hard it will be, I will bring you through.

On your journey you may have seen here and there someone fall on your left or your right or some turned to their vomit like a dog.
Yes, some of them have truly repented and asked Me to walk with and in them.
Yet, the lust of the flesh and the desire of fame and wealth or even small things have caused them to cast Me out and walk in their own will of selfishness away from the path of righteousness.
Some say, this can’t happen, but I say no, it can and it does over and over and over and over again even to some people who think they have a faith strong like a lion or a bear.

Seek Me, fear Me, daily!
Don’t fear the one who can only kill your body.
Though he roams around lie a lion and tries to devour everything on his way.
By the fear of Me you will be equipped with enough wisdom to be able to delete all the fiery darts that the enemy shoot against you.

Be thankful at all times and rejoice in expectation of the day to come, when I will take you home.
And that… will be soon.
There is no place on earth that is comparable to your eternal home.
The earth is passing away and it is already in a state like a very withered flower.
Stand on My word that never passes away.
Trust and obey My commandments and you shall see soon My Glory forever and ever.

End of prophecy.

(*) Note:
Adonai use often the German term Autobahn in my prophecies which refers metaphorically usually to the broad road (that leads to destruction).

Mark 13:31, Matthew 5:18, Luke 16:17, 1 John 2:17, 1 Corinthians 7:31
Revelation 6:16
Jonah 3 + 4
Matthew 18:21-22
Exodus 32:10-14
Mark 16:4-6, Luke 24:2-6
Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60
Matthew 7:1-6, Luke 6:37-42
John 6:37-46+65, John 14:6
Ephesians 2:8, 2 Timothy 1:9
Isaiah 10:27, Matthew 11:30, Galatians 5:1
Philippians 2:12
Luke 22:32
Philippians 1:3-6
Proverbs 26:11, 2 Peter 2:22
1 John 2:16, 2 Peter 2:9-10
Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:4-5
1 Peter 5:8
Proverbs 9:10, 15:33, 1,7 Isaiah 11:2, 33:6
Ephesians 5:20
2 Thessalonians 2:3

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