Word 2025/02/22 The END of the day

Word 2025/02/22 The END of the day

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-22 around 10:00PM Note: This word has a bunch of metaphors, figurative elements and parables, that are scattered all over the place, so please ask prayerful that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and...
Word/ Poetry 2024/01/24 The great Big show

Word/ Poetry 2024/01/24 The great Big show

Prophetic word (poem), received on 2024-01-24 around 9:00am while working Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit when you listen or read this word to lead and guide you for full understanding and complete interpretation of all metaphorical elements. As it is a poem,...
Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Word 2022-03-06 Thief at night, Light, prosperity

Prophetic word, given from Yeshua on March the 6th 2022 15:50 received it in the kitchen, right after I came back home. Note: This word contains a lot of details between the lines but it’s hard to point out to all of it – actually not much at all. And anyway not...