Word 2025/01/22 The Executioner and the Platter

Word 2025/01/22 The Executioner and the Platter

Prophetic Word 2025-01-22 (3:00AM) The Executioner and the Platter Note: When praying about this strange word (mostly as a vision) I received the rest. I actually don’t know what time, I have not looked look up, only grabbed my block and a pen to write it down,...
Another Number (2025), Another Year – to The End, Prophecy

Another Number (2025), Another Year – to The End, Prophecy

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-01 Note: Please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables. I didn’t thought or expect to receive anything about,...
Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-10-04 One step at the time ~5:00 PM Note: Actually, a good portion in this word is for believers, whether you label them Christians or disciples or whatever. As this word includes also several metaphors and figurative elements, I ask you...
Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-09-29 ~2:00PM Note: This word I actually overlooked or almost forgot, but interestingly I recognized as I went on it that a few days later I received another word about the end of the year. Both could go actually almost together as one,...