Word 2024/10/30 The end of the Dollar (and Euro)

Word 2024/10/30 The end of the Dollar (and Euro)

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-10-30 12:00 noon Note: Sometimes the subject jumps back and forth. Also it contains a bunch of metaphors where I ask you to prayerfully let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you for further understanding by His wisdom. Beginning of Prophecy:...
Word (Poetry) 2024/10/10 America: Your End is near

Word (Poetry) 2024/10/10 America: Your End is near

Prophetic Word (Poetry) 2024-10-10 10:10AM Note: America in this word means the US, not sure if all North America with Canada, but definitely it doesn’t include Latin and South America. I received it on day 10 of the 10 month in the secular year 2024 at 10 in...
Word 2024/09/18 Money… rules the world

Word 2024/09/18 Money… rules the world

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-09-18 around 11:00AM Note: Though some of the word is actually more or less common sense for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, but it’s anyway given for a purpose. As always, please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will...
Word 2024/07/30 Big War in Israel, not ″IF″ but ″WHEN″

Word 2024/07/30 Big War in Israel, not ″IF″ but ″WHEN″

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-30 around 5:30PM while riding the bicycle Note: As always ask the Lord in prayer to give you wisdom and understanding, guided by the Holy Spirit. Beginning of prophecy: It’s not a question ″IF″ but a matter of ″WHEN″. Israel, I...