Word 2025/02/12  AI deception and the ways of men

Word 2025/02/12 AI deception and the ways of men

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-12 around 9:00PM Note: As always, please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables. Beginning of prophecy: When a man...
Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-09-29 ~2:00PM Note: This word I actually overlooked or almost forgot, but interestingly I recognized as I went on it that a few days later I received another word about the end of the year. Both could go actually almost together as one,...
Message 2024/13 Electric Mobility and Green Religion

Message 2024/13 Electric Mobility and Green Religion

Tried to make this message as short as I am able, and squeeze it into Month 5 of 2024. Most people already know all stupidness of the green religion with Pope Greta and Bill the farmer – some people may pronounce the ″oo″of the pope a bit longer and miss the e at the...
Word/ Poetry 2024/03/13 Prophets, Politics and their tricks

Word/ Poetry 2024/03/13 Prophets, Politics and their tricks

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-03-13 around 9:00am (UTC+1) Note: Before you read or listen to the word, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for wisdom and understanding, especially since this is in a form of a poem and has a lot of metaphors and the...