Word 2024/05/30 Your enemies & My enemies

Word 2024/05/30 Your enemies & My enemies

Prophetic Word, given 2024-05-30 during the night. Info: This word came somewhere in the middle of the night, don’t know exactly when, but I was not excited to write it down and finally turned around to sleep – it could have been 1 o clock. Then maybe 2 hours...
Word 2024/04/15 Israel (What are you doing?)

Word 2024/04/15 Israel (What are you doing?)

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-04-15 some times late morning during work/ cleaning Note: May you have noticed that lately I received a word for Africa, then for Iran but now… Israel. So the more I hesitated to share this word, because I considered people were...
Word 2023-03-25 The monstrous machine – America…

Word 2023-03-25 The monstrous machine – America…

Prophetic Word given on 2023-03-25 ~ 6:00pm Note: Before you read or listen, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for wisdom and deeper understanding, especially since this word contains a good amount of metaphors including some word-constructions. I apologize if...
Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Word 2022-10-27 Protests are in the plan for changes

Prophetic Word, given on 2022-10-27 around 7pm while cooking Note: There was a bit an interruption, because someone came along while I wrote down the word, yet we had a good talk where he shared roughly some interesting information. The word may have become longer but...
Word 2022-08-12 Worship in Spirit and Truth

Word 2022-08-12 Worship in Spirit and Truth

Prophetic Word 2022-08-12 around 15:30h while swimming and the reminder of it came later around 20:00h during worship with the rest Note: Pay attention that some in this prophecy is figuratively or metaphorical. So make sure to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide...