Word 2024/11/19 As a loving mother holds her baby

Word 2024/11/19 As a loving mother holds her baby

Prophetic Word, given 2024-11-19 around 7:30AM Note: A big portion of this word, especially at the beginning sounds everything but what the title says. I too was wondering when I received the title and then the message, what it has to do with each other. Well, later...
Word 2024/01/08 Wars and Rumors of wars // Oh Jerusalem

Word 2024/01/08 Wars and Rumors of wars // Oh Jerusalem

Prophetic Word, given 2024-01-08 ~7:20pm Note: Please ask the Holy Spirit prayerfully for wisdom and understanding of this word also not to misunderstand the parables and metaphors. Beginning of Prophecy: Wars and rumors of wars. Where do you kiss your knees when the...
Message 2022/12 Chanukah, Christmas and a related dream

Message 2022/12 Chanukah, Christmas and a related dream

Message 2022/12 Chanukah, Christmas and a very interesting dream Note: This transcript does not include all details as what is spoken in the video, but it contains the basic important things. 1. Chanukah and Christmas Do these two things have anything in common? Yes:...