Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/08/19 Secret services and more secrets

Word 2024/08/19 Secret services and more secrets

Prophetic word , given on 2024-08-19

Most in this word addresses mainly the secret services, but it includes other secret ″clubs″ as well, and every country has their own… (who knows how many)
If one person within these societies will listen or read or not, I don’t know, but I guess they will because they listen anyway to all private online conversations whether we like it or not.
I just share what Yeshua showed me though His Holy Spirit.
Please pray before listening or reading, so the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you in all wisdom and understanding as we prophecy in part.

Beginning of prophecy:

Secret services… secret?
Is there anything secret for Me?
I laugh when they think, they can hide anything from Me!

I watch you, while you do your disgusting secret deeds in secret chambers where you have established your own secret society, that operates secretly outside human laws but openly far outside My commandments.
You think you are untouchable, but the day will come when you will see The Truth if you don’t repent.

Many children, boys and girls you have stolen from their rightful parents.
What is this for a service?
Definitely not a service unto Me and not to these precious little ones – and their parents .
Your hearts are so deceived with diabolic lies that you hate truth, and especially My truth to love Me and love others as you love yourself.

I have warned you over and over again: Will you ever listen?
Many warnings I have given in different ways throughout decades.
Why do you still listen to the devils voice and sing his songs?
Do you have no ears to hear ″enough is enough″?

You know My word very well because you have infiltrated many, yes, too many churches.
Is hard to find the real sheep between all the wolfs in sheep clothing on stage.
But as you have filled the leadership positions (with your people), you know more about My word than those who fill the pews, the ones you desire to deceive – and I desire to save.
Some of you teach the bible, some of you translate them, and purposely very subtle, in a way, twisted and turned to lead the readers astray and still you, yourselves don’t see the true truth in your blindness.
You have eyes but don’t see and ears but don’t hear and a heart that is deceived so you can’t receive.

You only know how to kill steal and destroy, all you have learned and being instructed by your father.
Greed you know very well, because you eat daily from the tree with the roots of all evil.
You even know, after your physical death it’s not over, but truth and reality begins.
But you still keep on hanging on to the lies of the devil as if they were truth, and the result is, to end up in eternal torment.

And not only churches you have infiltrated but literally everything.
Politics, economy, entertainment, music, sports, social life, media…
Without your presence in social media and internet, online activities would be a pleasure, safe, fast and reliable.
With all your bits and bots and spam and scam and hacks and tracks it could be (technically) a resource of wealth in communication and information.
But this was never the intention of the internet as you were there at it’s birth for public before the very beginning and set it up, meticulously planned every single step to bring the world’s population into slavery, a step into a totalitarian controlled beast system.

It’s no secret for Me to see how you desperately work with the man of sin and be loyal to Him.
Without you, also the drug scene would be very small.
But this is just one, yet a big source where you increase the wallet for your expensive killing machinery and for personal gain.
All the money is too lucrative for the camels to let it go.

Terror you invented, and you serve other secret groups for their propaganda and their final implementation of slavery laws, that enables all united nations to go after anyone who does not agree with their agenda.
Your next plot is already in the pipeline. So much of the money and weapons supposedly flowing into Ukraine, but equip this (new) group. Some more training, some more indoctrination and they will be ready to roam all over and bring destruction claimed as terror to the nations and into the propaganda machinery. In secret the laws are already written to fight this group and remove peoples rights and the little freedom they still have.

But the day comes, when the Nephilim and the angels that are still chained at Euphrates will break into your facilities in the same way as you break into peoples homes or into peoples electronic devices.

A wonder it will be when one of you repents, turn from sin and comes to Me.
There will not be many real wonders in the secret continent, but a few find the way to The Truth, and the narrow path that leads to life – a few of the few.

To My children I say: Cling to Me and My word, because at the end there will nothing remain secret before My throne, even not the smallest transgression against My holy commandments.
From the smallest to the greatest, any deeds, every word will be laid on the scale of true righteousness, naked, stripped, bare.
Even words will be found there you have not spoken, those I clearly commanded to speak and shall be judged.

My secret service is no secret for those who love Me and keep My commandments.
But My grace and mercy will definitely remain secret to those who take the mark of the beast and worship his image.
Also eternal life will remain secret to them, only the lake of fire will not be secret, though they work here non-stop on earth, there they will have even less rest – nothing – never ever anymore.
All who refuse to repent, for them, all My glory and love will become a secret forever and ever.

But for My children, My bride: My glory will be no more secret but sin, evil and death will turn into secret for you By beloved.
Though you still know it on your walk on earth and think you can never forget them, or at least a good portion of your sins, but in heaven in My presence all evil will disappear from your memory as they never existed, and become like an eternal secret.
Also I will remember your sins no more, so you will forget all your sins.
But no wicked secret services shall be found in My kingdom but there will be many servants who serve each other, motivated by pure love.
These righteous ones, washed by My blood will serve Me and I will serve them as you serve Me.

End of prophecy

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