Home 9 Words 9 Prophetic Word 2024/08/12 No reason to worry…

Prophetic Word 2024/08/12 No reason to worry…

Prophetic Word, given 2024-08-12 around 9:00PM

As we prophecy in part, please pray, so the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and give you the wisdom and understanding to get all the pearls of this message.

Beginning of Prophecy:

You are concerned about food and clothing and where you might live.
Have I not already told you about the birds that they don’t sow nor reap and gather their food in boxes, bags, tins and all sort of containers in warehouses?
And do you not see all the lilies and other flowers in the fields, and how wonderful I clothed them?
Foxes have dens and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head, and you oh anxious people think, you deserve a big protected villa?

I created the bumble bee and the ladybug and you are still asleep?
The enemy, the accuser and liar hate Me and tried to kill Me many times before My hour had come.
And you don’t see the miracle that you are still alive?
After 2000 years My church is still alive and My children Israel also are still around.
They are few in numbers, but great in strength and in My hands.

A disobedient and concerned rebellious people I have endured 40 years in the wilderness.
Though they saw great miracles by My mighty hand and outstretched arm, but except Yehoshua and Chalev they did not see the promised land with their eyes like Moshe, but their children entered it.
Numerous miracles I have shown you and you still worry about the next day?
Does this very day today don’t have enough troubles, that you constantly have to think about the troubles, trials and tribulation which might befall you… or not?

And if your enemy kills your body, what are you afraid of?
I tell you why!
You know, this life is not the end but just the beginning of something better or something worse.

You should rather be worried and afraid about your name, that it will be written in the book of life and not blotted out by your own decision.
And most afraid and concerned you should be that, when once you stand before Me I will not have to say to you: ″I never knew you, depart from Me!″

If you neglect My word and walk in lawlessness and sin, you can perform as many miracles with healing and deliverance as you want, but I will not change and My word will not change.
Nothing unholy shall enter My house, and your house that I wanted to prepare, for whom shall it be?

There will be not one single place (or mansion) in heaven left empty. If you deny My name before men, they might leave you alive for a short season, but then you should be very anxious about your eternal damnation.
But if you don’t deny My name before men, regardless how they might treat you… rejoice gladly to be worthy to enter My eternal kingdom.
Don’t worry about anything, because I will pick you up as soon your hour has come.
Your enemy will not be able to beat or stone or even shoot you to death when your hour has not come (yet), because I alone have the authority of life and death.

There will be people who shall see death and others like Chanoch and EliYahu will not see.
Don’t worry about your day and hour, but be concerned about the souls of those who walk the wide road that leads to destruction.
Don’t worry about politics and which head might be the next president or master jester in the circus of this world.
They come and disappear like the waves at the shore.
Don’t worry about economy how it will look like soon when the storm is rushing through the land.

But be concerned about your own relatives who don’t walk the road of righteousness as well your neighbor, dark people who are roaming the streets, prostitutes, ignorant and all whose who have not heard about the wonders of My love.
The power of My blood with it’s grace and mercy of eternal life under My wings is a greater miracle than a ladybug flying with it’s tiny wings.

Don’t be deceived and distracted by all the games of the powerless powerplayers in the background and their puppets in the front.
Don’t worry when the end shall be.
Declare My love with My holy word to the ends of the earth so that… then… the end shall come and the mystery of mysteries shall be revealed and completed.

End of Prophecy

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