Home 9 Prophetic Poetry 9 Poetry 2022-01-18 fire deception and preparation

Poetry 2022-01-18 fire deception and preparation

Poetic Prophecy received on January the 18th 2022 at 10:22 (on the 24 hours clock 22:22)

For the interpretation of the metaphorical elements, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.

The Ring of fire on fire is all their desire
But the ring of CERN is the one that will burn
(They say) control the Ring and you will be the king
But what they will get will make them very wet

When the ring will be around their neck
Then they will cry, oh what a heck

Yeah the millstone it the heavy one
Provided prophesied by the holy son

2000 years ago he saw the end to be
For wicked people drowned in the (evil) sea

Fools from top to bottom are they
Nothing any words can describe or say

But hold on the story is not finished yet
One has to come not flying with an ordinary jet

No, out of the sea so deep the sound
His voice so smooth be heard just all around

The hero, yes the hero all will cry and shout
Yet most people don’t know what it’s all about

To cleanse and purify My beloved bride
So she can be with me forever by my side

The fire comes and more will shake
Tsunamis, floods and ice will quake

South and North and West and East
All messed up, awaiting for the final beast
The mark that burns the human mind
The race will start and finish all with those who blind

Until it rolls over the scroll
To those who don’t believe the big bang ball

As I declared the earth as not to move around
But hangs on grace until the final trumpet sound

When one day not so soon from now this day
With shaking that will blow all foundations away

When everything collapse the kings bow down
All wicked people altogether will be like a stupid clown

But this is nothing that you need to know
Because there other things now important in the show

The devil tries to built before you eyes
Don’t be fooled but stay with Me, be wise

A small deception you have seen these days
But the final big one coming on it’s ways

Not yet to come because I heard my children’s cries
A time will be of holding back the coming lies

Until that day when I will give permission
To set all men before their final last decision

If they want to turn to left or right
To walk in darkness or My light

Sacrifices will be coming soon
The time you’ll know just by the moon

You saw the sun so strange the moon as well
The more if you consider heaven and hell

Fire is burning in both places
As good and evil in the peoples faces

Fire of torment burns in darkness and in sin
But fire of love for those who worship Me from deep within

Hearts on fire hearts of gold
That’s My desire not filth and mold

You can chose your destiny
Where you want to be eternally

I’m crying, weeping all day long
because most people want to sing the devils song

His harmonies are leading to destructive fire
That place for humans was never My desire

I Painful watch so many souls in flames
All who learned it and enjoyed it in their games

The game of worldly pleasures dark as pitch
From tarot cards and Disney and her witch

Young and old polluted to the inner core
As every cell in human brain what they adore

The love of money, corruption everything defiled
And think that all of this is cool and great and wild

In desperation wicked men hateful and deluded
Want to spoil the soil and waters poisoned and polluted

Plans they nailed already to destroy
That’s not enough, their minds just deal another ploy

Endless murder, endless crimes, they never stop
Yet the next that will become their biggest flop

A plan revealed exposed by My holy one
Mordechai and Haman, nothing new under the sun

Back and forth, the things are turning once again
And many people start to think this is insane

One more turn and one more turn
Before the world will really start to burn

The final fire that will melt My bride to gold
As for the precious pearl My life was sold

To redeem her from the flames of hell
Forgiveness, passion and in love to dwell

Is all just for that pearl, My holy bride
To be with Me forever by My side

Scriptures to the word:
Matthew 18:6/ Mark 9:42/ Luke 17:2
Revelation 18:21-22
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Revelation 13:1
Matthew 24:7/ Mark 13:8/ Luke 21:11
Revelation 14:9-11
Job 26:7
1 Chronicles 16:30/ Psalm 96:10/ 104:5
Psalm 18:7
Philippians 2:10
Matthew 27:64
Luke 21:8/ James 1:16
1 Timothy 6:10
Esther 6-…
John 14:2-3

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