Home 9 Prophetic Poetry 9 Poetry 2021-11-04 Virudam and Megascam, Repent

Poetry 2021-11-04 Virudam and Megascam, Repent

Prophecy/ Vision/ Poetry 2021-11-04 1:40 (am)

I woke up, I know I had a dream, but could not remember anything about it.
But I heard these two bizarre words.
So I wrote them down and thought, okay, I will then lay down and continue sleeping.
But then, the Lord started speaking.
However, this word was a very hard one since it came in a very unusual way.
Some of the words were in a form as words I receive usual somehow like a dictation.
But here now often in midst the sentence or passage He gave me a vision and let me finish the sentence.
Is like if you see a movie and be asked to describe what you see.
He also said, that I shall make it to rhyme, which made it even more difficult and limited
as English is not my native language.

Actually in the second sentence is a word that I could not read from my scribble,
but I will add a photo of it down below (Marked slightly with a yellow oval).

So I woke up and these two words came:

Virudam and Megascam

Then it continued:
Ask the Lord: what you gonna do with it
Will you *** it or only just a little bit
Prophetic Mixture 2021-11-04 Virudam and Megascamscribble small

Whatever you say
I have My way

Why you doubt about My power?
It’s as easy for me as you to take a shower

One day soon you see
Nothing is impossible for Me

You cry and cry like a little child
Whenever the devil is insane and getting wild

Do you not know the time is closing in
For him to come, the man of sin

The mark you see is just a part of it
As a reward of all what mankind did

Transgressions, lawlessness piled upon each one
And so much more of what they all have done

Endlessly they drink the blood of their own future
Blinded by the devils tricks that lead to all the mixture

What is the scam you ask while all nations saying ″yes we can″
They put their own children into death and freedom in a ban

No, I say, No, when you ever gonna learn
That I can shift around all things and turn

When I turn the tables upside down
gone will be that stupid crown

The rider with the bow he has passed by,
While you, so blind believed the devils lie

And you did not came before My throne
All I could be telling you and shown

But instead you stick with discussions and your theory
Yet do not see My word which is no mystery

You turn around each single stone but did not read what’s on the top
Not understand nor do you know one day the horses have to stop

When I lift My hand the wicked fear and tremble and will shake
My voice that will come forth, the earth will quake

And (then) Virudam and Megascam as history, which that has passed
But wait what is yet to come that is… the best for last

A thousand years that is but just a little bit
As like a day or even less, than nothing, just a part of it

What are you wicked rulers of the world, trying to remove The rock?
Do you not know I laugh at you while while you know nothing but to mock?

One more step and you will fall and be no more
When you will stand in front of the eternal door

Too late, too late to enter My salvation ark
When outside you will be screaming, yelling when
it’s deep and dark

The Gates of Hell is all that will be left for you to go
There you want, but not be able to continue with your show

So you ask when will all this happen, then, to be?
Ask My Father, He could let you know this, what is not up to Me

The day and hour, the minute, the second or the moment in your time
Read My Word between the lines and see the beauty in the rhyme

You cannot see that in all your poor translations, not even just a single one
And as you fight against each other as the ones of Babel’s tower, and then, truth is gone

Stop your fights, then I stop yours against all evil, the accusers mind
Love, forgive each other, ask and pray for wisdom, and be kind

Just fulfill My will, keep My commandments as I did My fathers long before
Then I can come and bless and keep you from all evil and much more.

If you don’t obey, continue fighting on and on
Your lamp will be removed and all is gone

Nineveh the people have shown how things can change and turn
My grace was there to give them hope that generation did not burn

But for you My children I am waiting, not much longer when I watch and see
Your every action, every word if you obey to love your neighbor and your walk with Me

If you’re humble or just full of pride, is not hidden from My eyes
If you play with sin, I see, I know all things you do with all your lies

The Fear of Yah is hard to find in all the earth
It is the fear that leads to wisdom, wisdom to new birth

New birth from the beginning in My Holy Name
My Spirit that will cause you not to look on worldly wealth and fame

But will bring you there where you can suffer but rejoice
When your treasure will be pleasure as to always hear My voice

The bridegroom calls you, you but call on Him in midst all evil noise
The Ruach wants to call with you (but) waiting for your choice

The wedding is prepared and ready, everything is finished and in place
Will you eat the meat of the wicked or from the table of the King and see His face?

If you keep staring at the Virudam, the Megascam, you will surely miss the boat
And in His presence not seen as His beloved sheep but counted as a goat

Today I say make sure while you endure as I will keep you safe in Me
My word is true, and all you have to do, to hang on me so to be free

Trust and obey as Heaven’s waiting that’s where you shall be
If you don’t trust, there is no place on earth where you could flee

Wicked ones and disobedient for them there is a lake of fire
they made their choice of sin and death, that was their hearts desire

The Megadam the Viruscam, all will soon be gone.
The books will close, others opened and everything be done

There are some indications about it but ask the Holy Spirit for the full understanding of this word, especially those two words.