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Message 2024/25 A view into… 2025

A view into… 2025

A bit longer this last message for this year, so hold on.

What do I know about 2025… nothing, or maybe something, nevertheless I will share some questions and incomplete opinions without claiming: “Thus says the lord” or “What god told me” about 2025.
Interestingly but not planned, it’s the Message 25 for the year 25 in the year 24.

A view into 2025

Now before I go into 2025, just a brief look back into 2024 on one subject:


There’s a certain counter which always is set to zero by the end of every secular year.
May you wonder what it is.
On the other side, the debt clock is never set to zero, except after a big war, though scripture says Adonai wants us to erase debt every 7 years. Well, since this world does not obey God’s commandments the debt clock continue ticking higher and higher… but from a certain perspective there is anyway no need for a reset, because it’s all thin air, funny money, numbers printed on paper like on toilet paper or typed into the mysterious darkness of the bits and bytes universe (maybe these are the black holes). Well, the purpose is simply to keep people enslaved by the wicked system, though the word of Elohim says also the slaves shall be free after 7 years, except if they want to remain with their master. (who wants to remain with “that” master?) But the beast system don’t give us really that option – at least not to the full extend, to be fully free.

But here it comes; interestingly every year the abortion counter is set to zero.
Did 45 million murdered babies every year raised from death or are they only thin air?
Well, most of them are possibly not even numbers on a paper.
This is the official number, of the WHO and who knows the real number of abortions…? (I know who knows it)
Not included in that number are all the countless trafficked children and those that “disappeared”, simply missing… (I have it in my song “Innocent blood”, welcome to listen to)
So does the Wicked Hell Oligarchs simply reset abortions by the end of the year as if it never happened? Looks like…
And those 45 million actually counts only the induced abortions, literally the murdered ones and not the miscarriages.
When we consider with drastically declining fertility rate the number of abortions still continue to rise – it gives a bit a perspective of the level of increasing insanity.
The spiritual implication behind it is another can of worms (I don’t open here).
To know about the reasons for the declining, we don’t need to look further than to all the poisoning of people from inside and outside their bodies in every shape and form, the sky, air, food and especially the last years through a certain needle.
I am wondering how much longer can this go on before Adonai says “enough is enough” and close the chapter humanity in this form.
Only Abba knows the entire amount of murdered babies throughout human history, He surely does not reset the numbers once a year – and they are very likely the vast majority of the population in heaven.

But now… to 2025; what to expect?
Oh, wait, before I will dive in, let’s put our tin-foil hat on our head – if you want to put yours on, just pause the video and when you’re ready, keep on rolling.

Maybe it’s already a bit outdated, because the supposed UFO’s are already in the air – well, I have not seen any here, but heard many hover above America and who knows where else.
May it takes a bit time til they arrive here… I will wait – or possibly not.
but actually on my sailing journey last year I have seen some weird occurrences in the sky with lights which I can’t explain, whatever it was.

Anyway, wondering, if these co-called UFO’s are MIC (military industrial complex) test-objects or some government future surveillance tools, Project Bluebleam, the announced aliens or more precise the disguised demons?
You can decide if you want to believe the official narrative of this distraction and deception or pray and ask the Lord for the truth and grab your popcorn bag.

But I found it very interesting, though not surprising, when I scrolled down the pages, on the video platforms scanning the headlines; I looked and recognized how much it’s filled with that stuff – A bit different while starting to write this message… possibly now, uploading it some weeks later.
Since the mainstream narrative changes so quickly it’s almost impossible to keep up with the latest trends, because before the research about one lie is completed, the next distraction covers already the headlines. So I apologize if my message might be a little bit outdated.

But I saw there a bunch of famous online profits who picked up that subject (right together with the lamestream folks), and of course their standard phrase “Thus says the lord” or “What god told me about…” UFO’s… with an extended fuzzy story around – whatever they say, I don’t watch their channels, and often they have anyway very long videos. Some of them must cover the amount of half the book of Jeremiah in one video. And in one year they hear 10 times more from god than all the biblical prophets combined together – very astounding.

However, I noticed when looking back to 2020 as Trump was elected and… suddenly the Chinese “Co-face” smiled synchronized through all TV channels (behind all the news-reporters face diapers) – some would claim it coincidence, but interestingly enough, It might be just in time now, for the blue UFO’s with the green eVil aliens to arrive? (of the “friendly” guys – haha)

Wondering… as soon it gets very close, or after the inauguration day, what card will be played?
Will the entire world be distracted by the UFO’s or another manufactured plague, or will Trump receive the most views and finally become the official 47 of the US – or both?
Well, none of it will get a lot of attention by me, except in this message.
My attention is on Yeshua and Him alone.
Of course I will have to pay also attention not to burn my food, or attention at work to get it done properly, because I simply want to make the people happy for whom I work, but politics is not very high on my list, regardless if my messages sometimes sounds different.

And then, a view outside the US, here is Europe…
After the collapse of the coalition in Germany they have snap elections (if this is the right word/ definition) – not exactly sure when, but I heard somewhere February.
In my opinion anyway planned.
Why is this important between all the other election`s?
Well, when we look into history, Germany always played a big role.
And since 1871 there is anyway the desire to annihilate Germany once and for all – at least from the French…
What couldn’t accomplished by two world wars, maybe can be achieved internally. But anyway, Germany as a major player in the Evil Onion, it’s something to have an eye upon it.
Anyway, in terms of election I would not wonder that the people will still vote for the same old crap they always have been voting.
This is what I could never understand.
Since the beginning of the “Banana Republic Germany” the parties never kept their promises of whatever, of anything, or at least the good things they announce – and every four years the people turn to Alzheimer-mode and forget.
Well, we even don’t know if in Germany there are also manipulations with the numbers – or… if the result don’t turn out to their desire, they might annul or repeat the elections until the result is pleasing for the elites.
Or shall I say if the people still vote for the old liars, maybe they don’t deserve better.
What about the AfD, the alternative party now?
Though they are permanently labeled as extreme right-wing, and put into the basket with the Nazis, but I always think, how can someone be so brainwashed not to recognize what the name Nazi means.
It’s in their name: national socialists – though they have the national element, but…socialist are basically extremely left-wing… brings me to the conclusion, Göbbels Propaganda machinery seem to kept going and very likely very much improved.

And lately the terror attack at the Christmas market in my opinion, that was not a coincidence it happened in Magdeburg, where the alternative party has a strong voice. Yes, it’s very sad for the many people who died and were injured and many more who saw it, who will possibly left traumatized and left alone by the government to deal with it.
There have been warnings about such a attack, but protecting the citizens is not high on the list of the leftist ruling class – I think that’s the same everywhere, just look to America.

However, for me personally I would say the alternative party might not really be the greatest alternative, only time will tell – maybe give them a chance…
But it’s definitely not difficult to make better politics than the greens and the other establishment parties – but who knows, they might be only controlled opposition.
And if not, I believe the secret services have already infiltrated them more than enough, to make sure they do what’s in the script and don’t bring real positive improvements for the ordinary population, the sheeple.
So in conclusion, at the end if they, by surprise would get elected even with the majority, they can anyway only do what the puppet players allow, or else they will be gone very quickly – one way or another.

Now… jumping a bit further… how will the conflict in Ukraine turn out in 2025?
According to what Trump has promised 24 hours after his inauguration is should be solved.
We will see…
Not long ago I read a small note of a politician and I thought, was this a Freudian slip citing from the playbook?
He said in a context about something else with the Ukraine: “the war will finish around springtime”.
Who knows if it will be in 2025, the coming spring…
Reminded me of a politician decades ago who said: the next Chancellor will be a woman… and whoosh, the next election… Miss powerhungry Merkel was there.
So could it be, the 24 hour of Trump is already in the book and this German politricktian accidentally mentioned it – okay, maybe not within 24 hours, but maybe within 24 days a month or two?

Though the other scenario might be a “little bit” unpleasant but consider scripture where it says where it says “peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes… like a woman in labor”. So if Putin have to give orders for the Russian army to attack Europe according to the playbook he will very quickly figure out it was a pretty stupid decision when at the end he have to deal with all the imported colorful problems.
But he can’t avoid to play his role, if he wants to safe his life, so regardless who runs the country, the end is always the same.
Look 2000 years ago, when Pilate was not happy at all to crucify Yeshua, but he had no choice.

A good point no to jump to the middle east – how 2025 might look there?
Of course, the lamestream already rejoice that Assad is gone, but probably for the reason which I am sure it will become very tough for the too many Christians, children and women there – and the Kurds might get scattered as well.
And a bit more south, with Trump at the helm, Israel surely get free access to bomb wherever and whenever they want.
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Irak, Iran, anywhere… and turn Damascus into a heap of rubble?
Israel with full backup from the United Shades while the United Nonsense might pretend publicly to be outraged, but behind closed doors they certainly celebrate.
With a terrorist as the head, they celebrate about every person being killed.
I have actually not heard a lot of talk about Gaza lately anymore maybe because I don’t follow the news, or if there is hardly anything left to talk about anyway – I don’t know.
Who is interested to talk about rubble?

Perhaps forgotten… and the Media? Crocodile tears and silence… Who owns them? Count one plus one and you’ll know.
I still hope many more will find the truth in Yeshua and eternal life between all the debris before new settlements remove evidence and perhaps new history books being printed.

We might see in 2025 if Iran plays their role according to the script or if they are still too stubborn.
Also there I hope and pray there will be an invasion of people coming to faith in Yeshua, before the big destruction rolls in/ flies in. For the ones who are saved by Yeshuas grace it doesn’t matter if the bombs who kill them or kill their bodies have an American or Israeli flag.

At least as much as I see, the bible, basically the final endgame is more or less very focused on the middle east, sure with some bad effects for the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, there need to be also a central bank in Iran.
Though North Korea and I think Cuba also still don’t have a central bank yet, but they are possibly not so important and don’t play a big role at the end… maybe North Korea a bit but surely not Cuba.
But Iran in the middle east surely needs it, because without it, once the M.O.T.B. is officially being implemented, the system won’t work properly – so no one is permitted to step out of the line, especially in that region.

Okay so far, but now just some questions for the next 12 months – not in order:
Will we see the temple start being build in Jerusalem?
Will the sacrifices with the red heifer begin?
Will the Jews present their Mashiach?
Will they have their greater sea to sea territory, basically from the Persian gulf to the Mediterranean.
Will Trump MAGA… (What does MAGA mean?… “More American Greedy Abuse?)
Is Trump real or just play the pretender and show one day another face – guess if so, I think its later than 2025?
Or like in a dream I had where I saw one who looked like Trump but there were slight differences. Maybe an actor will take over after the original got secretly removed.

And more questions:
Will there be another plandemic – whether named as Covid 25, Co-fart X or Co-five G?

And of course one of the greatest question: the rapture… there are enough prophecies that announced it before Christmas 24 (sorry, too late) or at least before 2025… (only seconds left)
I guess if it doesn’t happen, they will apologize as much as the profits who claimed Trump shall be back as president before or long before the ’24 election.

And not to forget the big question:
Will the Antichrist, or more detailed, the man of perdition or man of sin enter public stage?
Well, the spirit of Antichrist is already here since many centuries, but John also describes a person, though I am not sure if it will be a real person or an AI robot or whatever. I wonder even how much John had received insight about robots that look like humans, and if so, how would he been even able to explain it or pack it in words, or maybe that’s why he also mentioned the image of the beast (have not looked up if this is in context) anyway, just a thought, how he saw it and could distinguish between a person and a robot (non human something).

Then we have the Nephilim, Nimrod, Azazel, Watchers, and all those guys.
Will they arrive ’25 in a way to be seen by many?
Though I think as soon the restrainer will be gone, it will be their time when they come and kill many.
Not sure if there is enough time within a year for all the necessary events described by the prophets to happen before all this can happen and come – consider the increasing pace of time.

Well, my own opinion on the rapture…
As always I say: It comes when it comes – though, the sooner the better, regardless of the accurate wording or not.
Actually in regards of the rapture it will be interesting if and how Bluebleam might try to fake the coming of the Messiah including the entire scenario with alien abduction and so on. May the things we see now is just their training. But will they try to present – the false messiah of course – for example in Africa as a black man, in South America as a Latino, in New Zealand as a Kiwi, in Europe and North America maybe as an individual Transgender and so on – we will see, but don’t get deceived.

And about politics a brief note again:
Will the white hats now finally take over the black hats?
Basically, the good bad guys take over the bad bad guys?

And personally for 2025…
Will my book get finished?
Well, that would be cool, but it’s a lot of work, so I can’t make predictions on that – and if not, who cares.
Where I will stay at the end of the year is surely less predictable.
Just an example:
As a nature cameraman, taking pictures or videos of bees I figured out this is pretty easy to capture them; just study them for a while and then you know to which flower they will go next or even how long they sit there. But capture butterflies… are like John 3:8 which says: The wind bloweth where it listeth, and though hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born in the Spirit.
In that way, I might be more like the butterfly, and can’t say where I will be next.
Already happened, a year ago I never thought I would be here where I am now – and during this year I moved already 4 times, not so far in distance, but still – its a bit exhausting and I hope soon I might be able to settle down somewhere permanently until Yeshua returns or until my days are numbered.
We make plans, more or less often, but Adonai directs the steps.

But hey, am I allowed to present something else for 2025?
Just something small…
…can I ask to receive a private jet? (only a few generous donations, okay?)
Well, I am not called to be a prosperity or money preacher, but when these guys can ask and even receive such toys, should I not be allowed to ask the same?
Or maybe first I need to ask for a 30 bedroom mansion and seven luxury cars, one for each day. But I may also need to dress like them in expensive designers clothing… wherever that can be found.
But I hope Yeshua is merciful and understands that I don’t prefer a huge mansion, because.. it’s just too much to clean and I may not find sleep when I constantly travel from room to room and can’t decide in which one I might want to rest each day.
So instead a monstrous mansion maybe he will give me a self sustainable farm somewhere outside the Evil Onion with a cute cabin, a caravan or even a simple container to dwell – wondering, is this too much to ask?
But with that, who knows if government will not come and seize it – especially if I don’t connect with the system or accidentally say something against their official narrative and post it on X or fakebook, even though those stupid time eaters won’t let me sign in, because after reading their terms and condition – and wondering why I can’t sign in if I don’t accept their terms and conditions? I don’t understand that… makes no sense to me, but so it is.

And yes, maybe Yeshua might hear my plea that I don’t want to look like a clown like these prosperity gurus in expensive strange designer fabric, but allow me to continue to wear my old comfortable sack clothes.
Regardless whether Mercedes, Rolls Royce or Bugatti or whatever… since childhood I get constantly car sick – so let the luxury brands gain rust in the factory yards and he might send an angel that I don’t get any punctures anymore while riding my bicycle – and of course no more painful accident.
And… apparently I may need to apologize again for asking, the reason I don’t want to fly is, because most times I end up with a migraine, so the private jet is surely nothing I would enjoy.
When these prosperity preachers wanna have their jets, let them have it. I can’t address them, because I don’t know their names. And who knows if the same will happen when they stand before Yeshua that He looks at them, and tells them: I never knew you…
So I make sure He knows my name and invites me in at the end.

So what is left to ask for?
For personal transportation I only prefer two types. The one is a bicycle which I already have, so no reason to ask again, and the other would be a boat – a little bit a better one as the one I had.
Though when it comes to transportation, a bicycle is great, and I love it. I had many wonderful experiences with hospitable people along bike trips in the past, but when we look into this world today I think it’s not the greatest way to travel anymore.

So the boat is left finally… but I surely will reject any offer for such a small sloop with a very unreliable engine I received once by a miracle to escape out of the smart island city. Not again I say.
A bigger one, maybe, but trying to be outside the Babylonian system and to own a boat is more or less impossible, except under a pirate flag. Beside that, the boat I would ask for… you can ask for the description if you like to donate it – but I tell you, you won’t find it, regardless the price, even not with plenty of millions because it simply does not exist (so also no boat).

So, at the end the only transportation which remains is a chariot, powered by an angel, which is anyway much greater than any private jet, but that might be reserved for the final journey to the only place where thieves or communists can’t steal – when that happen, no complaints on that.
And I am sure the angels don’t force me to wear suit and tie, but accept me in my old worn fabric. At the end of the journey or on the way we might pass a clothing center where I can receive the perfect dress in pure white.

So this is my desire for 2025 whether it will come to pass or later, another year.
For the rest, I try to give thanks in everything, whether little or a lot, but I want and hope to be in the place Yeshua wants me to be…
Oh just thought, I actually had once a dream of a huge sized eagle where I thought, he is big enough to give me a ride on his wings; on top, near the neck with a great unobstructed view sitting comfortably between his soft feathers, that would be really cool. And another one or two come to pick up my belongings and bring me there where Yeshua wants me to be – here on earth, I don’t need anything of my plunder in heaven.

So are you looking forward to 2025?
What will be your focus?
I hope it will be Yeshua, but beside that as we are still in this world ,are there things you would consider to accomplish?
And you also might have a sense what this year might bring in this world – I don’t say globally, because the world is not a globe spinning in the universe like on the desk at school, in many homes or in people’s brains.

I can only hope and pray many more will com e to the knowledge of the real truth that is in Yeshua HaMashiach alone.

For 2025 a few things I know, that will come:
Which is… Springtime, summer and fall.
Whether in springtime the flowers will blossom or not and whether summer will become hot and dry or cold with snow is not sure, because since men meddles with the weather, predictions became pretty difficult… but at least according to Gregory’s calendar they suppose to come.
Even if there is world war, these seasons are not depending on politics or wickedness, tanks or missiles. Only if someone like Joshua comes and stops sun and moon from moving for a couple of months or ask to let them move backwards, that will give the order of the seasons a real blow.
But without it, fall will come after summer and probably leaves of trees start to drop or not and together with the economy both will fall and decompose on the ground while the hope of the people will drop even deeper… that scenario would actually not surprise me, but I definitely can’t say if the inevitable economic collapse it will be in 2025.

Now, does that qualify me to be called a prophet when I predict after winter comes springtime and then summer?
Or what about to prophesy the night comes after the day and vice versa.
Please notice, this message is not a prophetic word nor intended to, just saying, and I am not calling myself a prophet, I am only a seer, a watchman.

Anyway, for now let’s just keep going and work for the kingdom of Elohim, everyone with the gifts and callings Adonai has given.
But one thing I believe is necessary: We need to pray more than ever before for each other, for the brethren and encourage one another, especially with the Word of Elohim, as we might face very rough times ahead.
But together as one body, each one in his place with Yeshua as the head we can be the light that we should be and by His grace and mercy can bring many into His kingdom.

Will you join with me in that prayer?
So pray, pray, pray, believe, trust and obey Yeshua

Now at the end a few technical notes about 2025:
May you already saw that I’ve started to make small adjustments on my website – those who look up on that (in the transcript). Not much but since I don’t do it often, it just takes time to remember how to get it done.
But I will probably make also small adjustments also for the upcoming videos on these channel.
And beside the computer crap there is a lot of other work on a building which I want to finish as soon as possible.
So, everything might takes a little time until it’s done, so if this channel will be a bit calm for a few weeks, be patient until I’m back (on a regular basis, which is not so often anyway).
I try to keep up with everything as much as possible.

End of message

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