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Message 2024/22 (Month 11) Black Friday

Message 2024/22 (Month 11)

This message is possibly not very interesting for most people, but will bring it anyway.
Nothing very special or spiritual, or maybe it connects somehow (to the spiritual), but it’s NOT a prophecy or a biblical teaching.
Well, there would be a lot other stuff to talk about, but so it happened to be it for this month.
Need to hurry to get it done before that day has passed.
Message 2024-22 (Month 11) Black Friday


Now, since a while my email get flooded with all the ads of Black Friday offers, which I was actually expecting, though it appears much more than ever before (which I don’t adore).
Anyway, just fill the trash bin, but when on Brighteon a window popped up, covering the screen, with their Black Friday stuff I thought, that’s ridiculous, and of course having this tiny, almost hidden close-button to get rid of this stupid ad (or this stupid screen), a button, almost invisible especially with bright background,.
This finally triggered me to make a message about it.
Almost a shame that they also jump on the system train, but actually not wondering with Brighteon – not enough that on their website the ads are already everywhere including covering parts of the videos…
Yes, they cover the expenses with advertising, donations and whatever, but it’s kinda over the top.

Anyway, I need to confess, almost every year I take the opportunity to get something on sale during Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but only the stuff that is really on sale and already on my shopping list. But I don’t need hundreds of ads, because I know what I need and look for it, if there’s an offer.
With endless resources I would surely don’t care saving a bit here and there on things I need, or wait days, weeks or months like this, to wait for a Black Friday… but with my tiny budget it surely helps to have a bit more left over through the savings for better food.

Though usually it’s software that I would have anyway considered to update sooner or later, and so, why not go for a good offer if it comes on that certain day.
And if it doesn’t come up as a special offer on Black Friday I just wait until the time when I truly need it to continue more efficiently with my work.
This year I actually already jumped into one, where the regular update would have been nearly 80 Euros, and the offer came for nearly 50, which is a decent offer – and it’s something I use regularly, so not something that gains dust.
I was thinking finally to do something with my relatively old video software, that I am using, and not long ago even tried with a trial another brand, but I found it awful.
It was something with this AI thing. Well, in order to have it running the computer has to be connected with the internet. I am already 5 versions behind and still think there is not much an improvement in the latest – I tested it already and found only one single feature which would help me, but not worthy to pay for this one thing to get the latest version. Most new features I don’t need at all.
But back to the AI software I thought, if at one point Internet don’t work it becomes completely useless and total just a waste of the investment – though today most people don’t think about such a scenario anymore as they are all so addicted to the grid. All software on my work computer actually have to run without internet, period.
Nevertheless, beside software… I hardly ever bought anything, could not remember I have ever bought anything on Black Friday, except Groceries, but they are anyway outside of the Black Friday circus, that just depends on the fridge and the shelves, when they run empty and need to be re-filled, simple as that – or I get hungry.

Since Black Friday is meanwhile very much extended and then often with an extension of the extended extension, wondering why to name it according to a certain weekday when the start is days or weeks ahead and it ends days or weeks later.
And the same for Cyber Monday which has it’s own extensions.
A long day… I don’t want to work such a long day.

Some years ago I saw a short video clip actually, where someone went into a big store to check the offers.
In big letters Black Friday offer with a price written on bright shiny yellow paper.
He found some of them, that had the original price tag on a white paper underneath.

Just an example:
298$ special offer on Black Friday for a flat-screen TV
The white original price: 299$
Okay, this is an example with a fictive number, but he truly found several signs with the same price or almost the same but only a very few real offers with a noticeable difference, maybe these were the same like the regular special offers throughout the year.
It’s just ridiculous capitalism is.
Some of the Black Friday offers appear to me they are rather shelf warmer or overstocked stuff, an old model or whatever, something like that, instead of real offers.
Not all, some are surely real offers , but I think a good portion is like this (shelf warmer).

An old friend said one day: You buy on sale and safe 500 Bucks while you spend 500 for something you actually don’t really need – it’s only attractive and tempting for the eyes. 50% off is a great deal, but if you don’t really need it, just a big waste.

Years ago I saw an offer for camera equipment whether on Black Friday or another day, doesn’t matter… that said 25,000 Dollars off.
I thought I need to look what this is, and was surprised. A lens for camera or video, surely not for my little thing. Some sort of a 300mm, I think a zoom lens or so – nothing spectacular according to the specs, surely very good quality I would assume.
And it was from 125,000 down to 100,000.
But I thought, someone who has 100,000 for a lens is surely not short of money to buy it for 125,000, they would not care.
Well, for that money I would rather buy a farm somewhere in a remote spot outside EU and make myself more or less self sustainable with very likely enough leftover to feed a couple of other hungry people.

Do I have some Black Friday offers for you?
Well, not really or maybe, I don’t know, let’s think about.
Actually, I have a couple of thousand footages, images and music on pond5.com, which is one of the many stock markets, but since I don’t manage the selling. I even don’t know if they have something like Black Friday offers, and … oh grateful miracle, bless Yeshua, people still buy every now and then something of my stuff they find between bazillion other footages, images and music.
So I’m just a tiny dot on that website – and still….

But wait a minute, it just came to me, one day I might have a book which I am currently writing.
Maybe I can place an ad with a Black Friday offer, if you pre-order the book, you might get it for a special price.
Yes, I’m working hard with a dear brother who does the editing, bringing it from my clumsy goofy English into proper English English.
The title is already clear, but it’s still a long way to go until I might see the end of the tunnel, and the whole thing with distribution is another challenge.
It will be available maybe in a year if we are still here (maybe I can put the Black Friday offer then next year) – but it also depends on my work, where I might be and so on. And especially since I am not so far away in Eastern Europe from Ukraine, it will be interesting to see, what is in the script for that area for the coming year, and this brother who edits my writing lives in a place that is even hotter.

And of course since we work online together on the book, internet has to remain available as it is now, individually and worldwide – I don’t say globally because the earth is not a globe. Scripture speaks mainly about a face (the face of the earth) – however it exactly looks like, I don’t know – but surely the face doesn’t have a smile anymore, maybe it smiled at the beginning when He created it, when nature was okay, and not poisoned on all corners.

So, with the current political movements we may have a bit more time, maybe with a season of peace and safety (or do they say peace and security?), but also might change quickly and suddenly – who knows when.
I don’t know much at all about the people Trump start to surround himself in the circus arena, but I heard some statements or plans of how and what he wants to achieve through an email I received from a friend.
Another friend said it is a revolution, but for me it looks more like scenarios to come, written in the book of Revelation – revolution and revelation, not far from each other.

Will there be another Black Friday in 2025?
Maybe yes, though we might see a lot of shifts and movements and shaking in politics and economy.
Beside that, there are many prophecies out there about the soon rapture. The only difficult part is the word “soon”.
I actually hear about the soon rapture since 40 years, which means we are now 40 years closer than when I heard it the first time.
Over and over since centuries people believed and said, it’s now the end, but why are we still here?
Well, one day I believe surprisingly and suddenly everything will fall apart and because certain things that happened the last few years I would say made it clear, it might be really soon.
You know what I am talking about… almost 5 years ago now (time is running…….)

So now my question:
What will YOU buy on Black Friday?
Any specific plans?
If there is anything I would recommend, it’s to buy gold that is tried and refined in the fire from our Lord in heaven.
Even if you or me don’t consider to be in the church of Laodicea, it’s surely better than all worldly crap.
Ask Yeshua, maybe He has a special Black Friday offer on his gold or wait perhaps he sends an ad on your smarty phone.
Well, if you have only an old phone like mine, the ad might show up only as a SMS – or maybe it comes by email between all the tons of other junk, since I also don’t have any of the socialist media like Fakepoop, Fat’s up or stuff like that, it won’t appear there.
But, if everything else through technology fails, maybe the Lord might gives a dream or a vision or send and angel with a Black Friday special offer – or not.

So what is it all about?
For me it looks more and more like the last breath of a dying person, considering the increased amount of ads I receive. And who knows how many more would flood in without the spam filter.
The name of this dying person?
Could it be: “Capitalism”?
I said it many years ago but people always laugh at me, still today.
Communism supposedly died, though that’s not really true. Look at the EU, the Evil Onion, it’s pure communism in a mantle of capitalism (or whatever mantle). You can also name it Marxism, or whatever not much of a difference. We don’t need to look to China thinking they have a horrible communism, it’s not much better here, only in a bit a different form and color, with the deception of the official narrative. Now as the mantle of capitalism is worn out, very much, torn and about to fall off. Then I think people will see the truth.

I wish, they will wake up, not only to see all the fear mongering nonsense with possible climate lockdowns coming before the coming of the man of perdition.
And the more that they will wake up to the real truth, the only truth, which is Yeshua.
People say this thing with the good Friday, but Yeshua did not die on a Friday, or else we have a little bit trouble with math, three days and nights in the tomb, til Sunday.
Just doesn’t line up.
But even if we name it Good Friday, it was a good day… it was a Black Friday for the Elite, but a bright glorious shining day for His disciples.

Government, with their propaganda media, green deal and the climate industry as much as Black Friday’s saving won’t save anyone.
The only one who can save us is the Messiah Yeshua.
I pray for laborers in the harvest. I am only a lonely voice who calls online for repentance.

The best Black Friday offer would definitely be the rapture, regardless if you name it snatching away or Harpazo or whatever, and no matter of any theological arguments, when it has to come…
a free flight home to my Father in heaven is the number one on the wish list since many years – and the sooner the better.

Okay, need to stop now or else Black Friday 2024 will pass before I have this message ready.

End of Message

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