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Message 2024/20 (Month 10) October… completion of corruption

Message 2024/20 (Month 10) October… completion of corruption

I just made a message in Month ten of the secular year 2024, so why now another one?
Well, first of all, sometimes I have more than one message in one month, but also, as mentioned, the last one was not really a message, just labeled as one, more in the category undefined or whatever, more a info about something that caught my attention (the money and the 666).
And actually, for all messages, just that you know, they are not teachings because I don’t have a calling nor the gift of a teacher, not at all.
Yeshua and His Holy Spirit shall be our teachers, though sometimes it is helpful to listen to people with teaching gifts as they can present things of scripture so much easier and faster than if slow learning people like me would be able to figure out. But this is not my subject today.
Message 2024-20 (Month 10) Oktober... completion of corruption


Beginning of Message:

What I share now is rather an observance of certain things or events and I just bring my thoughts into it (as usual in messages).
Yes, sometimes it might contain biblical truth and/ or prophetic insight.
The inspiration came, when I uploaded lately another video, and by that just scrolling through loads of stuff (on the sidelines) some other people post on the video platforms that I use.
And there… I saw different headlines, like: ″What God showed me for October″, or ″Pay attention to October″, or different doomsday wording and pointing to October and so on and on, like everybody suddenly seem to receive a specific word for October.
Simply all the things that supposedly might happen this month.
Oh whee, time is running so fast I need to hurry to post it or else the month will be gone – and then…

October, means basically Month 10 according to the corrupted Gregorian calendar.
The number 10 in a biblical meaning or significance, represents completion, fulfillment, perfection and some other things.
You can look up for symbolic meaning of the number 10 in biblical context and get a broader view (if you like).
As said, I have not watched any of these videos because I simply don’t have the time to do so, but only as a scrolled through I found it astonishing how many seem to know what will come this month.

Anyway, I thought with all the warnings that I saw in the headlines, made me wonder…
Many seem to be somehow political, geopolitical or about worldly events or whatever (or it looks like the most of them).
What’s the purpose, what’s the motivation?
And actually, you don’t need any prophetic insight to know that this month will likely become very chaotic, very tense , especially towards the end of the month.
I only can say, don’t fall into all the distractions.
Just consider everything that is here or around the corner – and by that you can make just some predictions and without any prophetic insight, it might be 80% correct, so no prophecy needed.
And if you wrap it in more or less vague words, you can already claim alreay now, beforehand, that as being fulfilled before they even happen, before the month started (okay, already started).

Just think about:
The Moadim according to the corrupted Jewish calendar are here now.
Yom Truah, Yom Kippur, Succoth, Shemini Atzeret
Maybe I will be prosecuted for antisemitism because I say corrupted puppet Jewish calendar.
Well, so be it…

Also we are heading into the first anniversary of the 7th of October, when the Mossad and all the entire Israeli security system was blind as a mole, but suddenly hours later found the door out of their slumber-chambers and also found the keys to their shelter-bombs and suddenly knew exactly in which house on which chair sits which person of the Chamas – or the Hesbollah and who just release a fart including all the data of their every move and they also somehow know which baby that was born who will become a future Chamas leader, so they eliminate them before they are old enough to hold a gun.
Sad sad sad, yes, very sad, but nothing new under the dome and the sun, because since I am a child I have not heard anything else but bombing and shooting or tension in the middle east.
But the scripture says it clear, it won’t end til the end.

There are of course more to come in October, but I think, especially since the majority of these profits are American, they speak of America, as like they don’t know if any other nations even exist in this world. So much easier to say aliens enter the country when America is supposedly the entire world.

Anyway, with the upcoming elections at the beginning of November we don’t need a lot of fantasy nor prophetic insight that the tension will increase, basically everything can happen, the closer it comes to that very day.
And there are a great possibilities, some disastrous things might happen to bring some distractions, and to make the cheating show easier.

So what does God say about October, the month ten of the corrupted calendar?
He has not told me specifics about this specific month.

I was just thinking; the symbolic meaning of the number ten and the month according to the corrupted calendar (if you connect them together) ?
This is not what I have received as a prophetic insight, just my own thoughts…
but maybe corruption will be completed, perfected and fulfilled?
So for many years I have always be wondering how much can madness increase.
But with every year and decade passing, I came to the conclusion, if Yeshua would not make a stop to it one day, there is possibly no limit.

So my advice for this month, the coming month, the coming season, however how much longer we have until we are home – and there still… stay close to Yeshua, cling to Him and obey Him in everything.
There is no need to panic, no matter how much it appears on many of these headlines in the videos.
We know madness will increase together with knowledge, but the only thing we need to know is that Yeshua is in control, and there is more than this life on earth.

Get ready, get out of Babylon, bring your house in order…
The names of the months are not important, even not so much what might happen.
Important is that your name is written in the lambs book of life.

End of Message

Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:


Or watch it directly here on Rumble