Home 9 Messages 9 Message 2024/18 (Month 09) Law and commandments

Message 2024/18 (Month 09) Law and commandments

Message 18, Month 09, Year 2024

Message in month 9, number 18 of 2024, not about the (famous) day eleven, but still also something, perhaps not very attractive and even somehow controversial.
It’s also not about the biblical fall feasts, not the rabbinical, where the first one Yom Truah just passed.
But I want to apologize when it will become a bit, or more than a bit political, or a bit more than just a bit, which I can’t avoid, but hope it won’t be too boring.
So, there are a lot of opinions of people explaining law and commandments – the ones in the bible, but not only those…
Message 2024-18 Month 09 Law and Commandments


I will not go much into details and teaching mode, because I am not a teacher and besides that, there are tons of material out there on the web or in books, to find about that subject.
And at the end you can make your own studies.

But I want to take a brief look between human laws and Gods commandments and somehow compare some aspects (or one).
Now the biblical stuff… you surely heard this claims, that the law is done away with the cross, the new covenant and also that we are not under the law, which is actually Paul’s teachings, but consider what it truly means.
What makes me wonder actually, why most bibles always only translate law and not using the proper individual distinctive terms to have a clear understanding of what law it talks about in which verse and context.
Translations appear to me often like the soup (on that subjects) where all ingredients thrown into a pot, stirred around, and label it as law – with a smelly impression on the label, it’s all bad, all done away or whatever.
I have a song about the law…
Look it up, you’ll find it.

Now, human laws of course, points against us often somehow with the assumption, we are so, sooo bad, and that’s why everything needs to be regulated and controlled, as the brainwash industry claims according to the orders of the puppet players and puppets, saying: ordinary people are simply too stupid to handle their own lives, so ″we, We, the clever ones″ need to give advice what is good and what is bad.
It contains also almost always a foul taste of feeling guilty – not sure if this is the right wording, but I hope you understand what I want to illustrate.

Anyway, many who teach scripture say we can’t keep the commandments but many others also say, we don’t have to keep them.
Yes, somehow true that we are not able to keep them, because the standards of holiness is so extremely high and many, if not most people just want to continue wallowing in the mud of sin or enjoy the OSAS lie instead being sanctified and live a holy life.
I am always wondering with such claims because Yeshua said: if you love Me, you keep My commandments. Tell me, how does it match together?
Does He have different commandments for us than His Father?
If so, then they are not ONE and with that… the whole scripture falls apart, bye bye!

There are arguments we are not under the law, but under grace, backed up by scripture.
But two questions on that:
First of all if we are not under the law, are we above the law?
The only one I can see above the law is Adonai, God almighty Himself.

The other question, under which law?
Under Murphys law? I assume most had experienced him… somehow to some extend and realize we are very much under that law, at least from time to time.

Or under the law of Gravity?
At least for those who believe in gravity – do you?
Oh you have to, because science told us all about gravity.
If you question it (oh, never question science and less Fauchi science), or else….
But maybe the ladybug and the bumble bee can explain it much better – just learn their language and you will know, all about gravity.
I name it simply, the law that binds us physically to the ground – for now.
With the rapture, regardless of the accuracy of this word rapture we will know why gravity can’t hold us back (or down) – and the ones left behind, they will know it as well.
Maybe if you believe in gravity, you might stuck below (at the rapture) by the law of gravity.
I have (gained) a bit a different personal view what the thing called gravity is, but that’s another can of worms which I will not open publicly.

Anyway, the law of Moshe is always very inaccurate, which is actually the ″Torah″.
Because Torah can’t just be translated only with law and then thrown into the same soup with rabbinical laws, oral law, or religious laws, human regulations, good or other intentions or whatever blah blah blah.

Different is the law of sin and death.
And that’s true, for those who are in Yeshua, that’s the law which definitely was taken away at the cross, with His death and resurrection, and we are not under the law anymore in Him and by His grace – under that ″law″.
But the law of sin and death still applies to those who reject the free gift of salvation.

Well, I don’t want to continue here if we are under or above or beside or behind, in front or in midst the law, or simply lawless, you can study scripture and figure out what to do if you truly love Yeshua or if you only confess a religious phrase with your mouth that has no connection to your heart.

Now a jump into human laws… this is when it gets somehow political, as you guess.
Not too long ago I dropped into an article about the Evil Union and it said how many new laws and regulations they implemented.
I am not sure if I remember it correctly but I think it was nearly 2000 new regulations within the last 2 years, which are almost 3 new regulations every day, and this is added to the myriads already written.

Read the constitution of your country… as well all the other laws like for traffic, business, family, etc.
You think, any constitution is fixed in stone like the 10 commandments of Elohim?
Even if it would be, these laws in the constitutions are so rubbery, you can stretch them into any length and direction, so at the end these are letters to fill the pockets of lawyers who know how to twist ant turn every sentence into any shape and form.
In my opinion it’s just a bunch of words without meaning in a language that normal people don’t understand and less worth than toilet paper.
So how much is freedom of speech worth, that is given us in the constitution when we are not allowed to use it because it’s written on another law-roll of toilet paper?

Actually there are indications that I am somehow or partially shadow banned, at least on some platforms – because it appears to me since I have seen several times the clicks declining, don’t know how that works, but every now and then someone must unwatch my videos. Since I anyway post my opinions and Yeshuas words on a few platforms with relatively few views I can see very easy what is going on.
But at least I can still post stuff, where other people have been completely banned from most or almost all platforms, maybe except some very small ones, that no-one knows.

Think about or make your research, of how many changes have been made in the constitution since it was initially written?

As I honestly pray and consider to leave at one point the EU because this will possibly one of the worst places besides North America to live in the days to come.
I mean if Yeshua wants me to remain there, I am fine with that, and know He will have a purpose for that and will provide and protect.
So I looked if there is any other country in the continent of Europe that might be something to consider…
But… all needs anyway a miracle to get there, or more than one, but… I believe in miracles.
Yes, there are some countries that are not yet in the EU but all countries on that continent are more or less on the focus to join, so there is technically not one country left, except the western part of Russia, which is also within the geographical Europe. But that might not be the best solution either – and generally a little bit too cold probably anywhere there – at least for me (the goofball) who loves the heat.
However, when I looked at the requirements of the countries to join this evil bond I almost spilled my… no, not my coffee, but my water… everything is plain and clear:
They claim the candidates must fulfill the principles of liberty in democracy and freedom of expression and information.
That principle was possible the reason to arrest the CEO of Telegram.

Now the boring section that gives reference to the European toilet paper – and I start with the law, even more boring as the law requires another law, a fair use disclaimer

This video is under Fair Use:
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976; Allowance is made for “Fair Use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.

You already see how human laws makes life difficult – but now I continue:

1Article 11 corresponds to Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which reads as follows:
“1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions (ABOLISHED) and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers (ABOLISHED). This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties (here we go…) as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society (a what?), in the interests of national security, territorial integrity (no other country interferes, right?) or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals (who defines morals?), for the protection of the reputation or rights of others (not yours!), for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary (ABOLISHED).”

Now as it refers to article 10, which is – Freedom of thought, conscience and religion (the green religion?)

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought (ABOLISHED), conscience and religion. This right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or in private, to manifest religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance (partially ABOLISHED).
2. The right to conscientious objection is recognized, in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of this right (proof, all the above is rubbery nonsense).

And it goes on, this section repeats a couple of things, which I will read anyway:

The right guaranteed in paragraph 1 corresponds to the right guaranteed in Article 9 of the ECHR and, in accordance with Article 52(3) of the Charter, has the same meaning and scope. Limitations must therefore respect Article 9(2) of the Convention, which reads as follows: “Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law (Which law?) and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, (Don’t neglect to follow orders!) health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”

The right guaranteed in paragraph 2 corresponds to national constitutional traditions (Traditions?) and to the development of national legislation on this issue.
Official Journal of the European Union C 303/17 – 14.Dec.2007
Preamble – Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
These explanations were originally prepared under the authority of the Praesidium of the Convention which drafted the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Although they do not as such have the status of law, they are a valuable tool of interpretation intended to clarify the provisions of the Charter.

Interpretation is the perfect definition.
The best biblical example of interpretation is about the rapture (whether you like this traditional word or use snatching away or Harpazo, doesn’t matter).
And we all know the interpretation about it gives many, many different variations.

But now it gets more simple, as I come to the difference of human laws versus gods commandments, away from the disclaimer, the copyright disclaimers.
Since I am in Europe, I just refereed to the EU regulations.
Okay, not every law is for everyone.
But so the same are Gods commandments.
Not all of them are for everyone, some are for Levites, others only for Priests for example.
But the 10 commandments apply definitely to all people, though not many keep them all, especially the 4th is often chiseled out of the tablets by most people.

But now my question.
Why you think it’s so hard to keep the commandments?
Or let’s say it in a different way:
Why does so many defend their position even saying it is impossible, even, impossible trying to keep the commandments.

How many laws can you memorize when driving a car?
If you count carefully, possibly hundreds, where I think it is quite helpful for your safety to know many, or for the safety of your wallet to know where to park.
And then add those (laws) at work, those in public, here on the internet (there are laws).
If you count in detail, maybe you end up with a minimum of thousand, maybe a couple of thousands, that you memorize.
Some very conscious, some a little bit more subconscious.
As I mentioned in a previous video, when a driving instructor said if we would keep all traffic laws, you better leave your car in the garage, because it is impossible to keep them all, because they contradict each other, and even to remember all these tens of thousands is simply impossible. That’s why insurances always find loopholes so they don’t have to pay if they don’t like.

Now how many laws or I better say instructions do we have in scripture?
There are the 10 commandments written by the finger of YHWH in stone.
I have not counted myself, but I heard there are 613 commandments in the Torah, the law of Moshe.
Too many to memorize you say?
Tooooo many???? 613…. ???
But consider you need to remember way more if you want to drive a car, go shopping, go to work or listen to this video and so on.

As mentioned, the Evil Onion implements nearly 3 new regulations and laws every day (possibly many more, who knows…).
How you feel about your love for Yeshua?
Since the beginning Gods commandments never changed, never one added, never one removed.

Yes, I know the EU had sometimes laws and regulations removed.
My favorite one I like to mention is the standardization of tractor seats, because they came up with the idea, farmers have the have all the same size and form of their body-part for sitting (to say it politically correct).
At one point they might have realized this law was not very popular and farmers with the wrong butt-size have the break it constantly, or break the tractor seat or get lost in it, and so they finally removed that law. Maybe one of the politricktians of the EU has a small tractor and was not pleased with the seat – but took them 5 years to remove that law.
But as usual, when they find a new law in their depraved minds, it will be implemented within minutes, but to remove one, ooooh, this is complicated…

How would you feel if God would have given us a hundred thousand laws, rules and regulations?
Then you surely could say we can’t keep them.
I don’t know how many the rabbis added, but they are not in the counting, not in my counting, and that’s not what I am referring to.
Not that they are all bad, as I know when I used to live between these guys for quite some years, but there is no reason to use them or keep them if we don’t see them as useful or practical – and we don’t need to feel even guilty to avoid these additional ones.
Maybe you receive a bit a harassment if you don’t keep certain ones in Israel (in certain areas), but… in the rest of the world you will be fine.

Think about, if Gods laws and commandments would be like man-made laws how would you enjoy keeping them, especially when they also can be stretched in all directions?
Church would be surely no more because there would be so much discussions about details which would cause complete division, and a house divided cannot stand.
Or how would it be possible even to keep them at all, when no-one can remember(memorize) all of them?
And it says: when you break one, you break all!

But think about God commandments… they never changed from the very beginning, and if they would have changed, all the word of Elohim would be a joke and fall apart, because the Lord Himself said we shall not add or remove any of His words, not a single one.
What a religion would it be if every day we have to learn 3 new laws in order to keep them, or just only one per day?

You can do the math how many it would be within 4000 years (wherever you pinpoint the beginning/ of the laws) or perhaps 6000 years.

I am so happy Adonai gave us a few commandments that never changed anything – as He never change Himself unlike men.
Even if all the 613 would be required to be kept by anyone, translate it into human laws and how life would be on earth if government would also have only 613 laws that never change nor can be stretched in any direction with various interpretations?

How many commandments will we have in heaven?
Maybe ten or only two?
But with all the love there around, I don’t think we don’t need to think about laws or commandments.

On the other side, hell will be a lawless pit.
You surely know the term ″it’s like hell″, or ″hell on earth″, referring to certain locations of the world where lawlessness is present on every corner – guess some areas in Haiti or Somalia are not far away from that.
And multiply it with a factor million or billion and then you get a little glimpse, a little bit closer to the misery in hell.

So all in all I try to keep the commandments of scripture and prefer to walk the narrow path that leads to eternal life in heaven, where there is beauty beyond imagination.
You know what is the law in heaven?
It’s perfect love that rules forever.
So my question; where will you go, which commandments or laws do you want to keep, and how os your love, do you love Yeshua?
If you truly love Him, trust and obey and keep His commandments and do what He said.

End of Message

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