I Worship You

The Shepherd and the Bride

I think this was my first real Worship song (at least from the lyrics or the idea).
Actually it is s Song I wrote to express my personal relationship with ישוע (Yeshua).
To him belong all honor and worship.
There is nothing greater then to think about Yeshuas Majesty and Glory.

Title: I worship You

Studio Version: The song complete

Live Version:


To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

The Shepherd and The Bride


Looking deep into your eyes
Beauty beyond words
A flame of eternal love
Bright with passion burns

Righteousness and mercy
The Way the Truth the Life
Magnificent, glorious Shepherd-King
Lion of Judah, spotless lamb

Bridge 1
Forever I sing my song of thanks
To you with grateful joy

I worship you (x4)
With all my soul, with all my strength,
My heart and mind

Nothing I desire
But to love and be with you
Closer to your heart
And to know you as I’m known

Your voice of many waters
And the promise of your word
Are food for my hungry soul
Till the day of your return

Bridge 2
Forever I’ll see you face to face
Forever hear your voice

Refrain repeat

Standing by your side
Just touching your white robe
Will heal my deepest wounds
Now nevermore alone

For one day in your presence
Is more to be preferred
Then One Thousand elsewhere
For all my tears are dried

Bridge 3
Forever free from death and pain
Forever to rejoice

Refrain repeating……