Banana-Praise Chapter one – live, May 14, 2016: #3: “Fire of Love” :
Fire of Love
This song is written also for a whole Band.
As I tried to break down the songs for a piano or guitar version I realized, it does not work for “Fire of Love”
So the music is playback but at least the singing was live.
Personally I don’t like so much playback stuff.
It’s actually a bit a Karaoke feeling. Yet with my own songs it irritates me somehow.
Playback is generally very merciless and does not wait to give a chance to catch up the words or let one breathe.
So I was glad to make it without too many errors.
This song has a bit of a weird style but the lyrics fit great into the theme for the first Banana-Praise.
This and the Studio-Version you’ll find in the “The Shepherd and the Bride” album