Dream 2012-03-07 Endtime and rapture Part 3 of 3
Part three of three old dreams that speaks about the end time and the hint of the rapture.
This part is from 2012-03-07 at 4:57am
If you have not listened to the other two parts it might be helpful.
They all speak about the end times regardless of not knowing the day and hour.
Though this part 3 is shorter and more straight forward as the other two, it also can contain multiple interpretations. Please ask the Holy Spirit for deeper insight and revelation and what he wants to tell you.
Also here, whether you name it harpazo, raptura, snatching away or whatever…
I use the common term rapture and don’t discuss about theology on that.
Let the dreams speak for themselves – in 2012 I had surely more understanding as in 2001 yet I was not obsessed with the idea of rapture to be too much influenced.
Beginning of Dream:
I am sitting together with my mom, my brother and my father at a table.
We talk about all kinds of stuff.
What makes me wonder that my brother comes up with a bunch of theological arguments.
My father does not talk too much but he mention a dream he had.
And in his dream it was speaking about the end-time.
And in that he says something about the month of September and a few weeks.
Then he stands up from the table and puts on his shoes.
I ask him before he leaves if he can tell me more about this dream or if he remembers more details.
The only thing he mention is, that we shall make ourselves ready and prepared because everything will change and will never be as it used to be (like in those old days).
Again he mention something about September and a few more weeks which is the main point in the dream, and what it speaks about in this dream.
Then he mention also a bible verse, but I can’t remember which one it was.
Then I also see a visual verse of scripture and something with the Jewish people.
But more I can’t remember.
And also that it will be way sooner than we could or would ever imagine.
Simply he speaks about the end of the world.
More of the dream I can’t remember
End of dream:
Note: 2012 I was wondering already, could it be this year?
But since everything changed in this world (since 2020) and will surely never the same as it used to be (like in old days) I would say, this part of the dream is fulfilled.
What will come Next?
Time will tell! – Make yourself ready and prepared!
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