Once more (one more time) I will shake the earth and this shaking will last until I am coming back
2010/10/24 – Some Word’s given over a period of time
"I want you to pray to the four wind's, I want them Healed, Whole, Rightous and in Unity" "The latter rain will shake the earth, earthen vessel's I do not want, Spirit and truth I adore" "What was will be no more, what is will be forever more" " The Son's of God have...
2010/06/23 – One more time I will speak like in the days of Noah, in the days of Elijah
One more time I will speak like in the days of Noah, in the days of Elijah I think when Elohim say "one more time" it will be shortly before Yeshua will return After he comes there will be no more times like in the days of Noah or Elijah
2010/01/06 – Stones are falling
Stones are falling
2010/03/05 – Listen my people, listen my people – listen to my voice and open your hearts
Hört mein Volk, Hört mein Volk - hört meine Stimme und öffnet eure Herzen Listen my people, listen my people - listen to my voice and open your hearts
2009/11/21 – Don’t forget the covenant
Don't forget the covenant This is a reminder for the People of Elohim where He were talking about the covenant which HE gave to Abraham (Gen.17)
2009/10/09 – Notice April 19
Notice April 19 I have no clue what this is about. There was no word about a year notr for whoom. Just as a note - maybe something important will happen on April 19th in whatever year. (maybe... or it is simply something personal)
1999/09/24 – First of all Yeshua wanna heal our heart
With that word I've got also that impression that it means that the heart of the People are the believers; and those are the ones Yeshua wanna heal at first before he can heal the land, (the people of the nation)
1999/09/21 – I am coming soon – according to the words of truth that I have spoken
Yeshua said: I am coming soon: the signs of the time are set: my word is the truth – and like my word is true I will come back. It will not be according to your (human) calculation but I will be there. In the way as I am with you now all of the sudden I will stand...
1999/04/09 The cruelty that happened in the Kosovo-war are just the beggining of what we will see to come
The cruelties that happened in the Kosovo-war are just the beggining of what we will see to come. It is just the beginning of what men can and will conceive about It means as much as I heard not in that war but in other wars that will come in the future upon this...