“I want you to pray to the four wind’s, I want them Healed, Whole, Rightous and in Unity”
“The latter rain will shake the earth, earthen vessel’s I do not want, Spirit and truth I adore”
“What was will be no more, what is will be forever more”
” The Son’s of God have become the son’s of man, only they know who they are”
“They are the mirror, the mirror image of me”
“Broken Hearted until they return and become one”
“I am coming, get ready, tell my people”
“Ketubah” ( hebrew word )
“Arise O’ Son”
“My pure word is a light to those who receive”
“Holiness, His Holiness”
“I am sending away complainer’s, I need Yoshua’s and Caleb’s”
“Bring me my lost sheep”
“Joel 2”
“One Word, One Truth”
“They will be in the midst of me and I will be their God”
“They will have the Heart and Mind of YESHUA”
“Say to my people come, come to the river’s of Living water, come to the river of Life”
“Go to the water and receive your Destiny”
“The LORD said in prayer, “Come to me and I will Heal you, even into your Bone’s”
“Yoshua’s and Caleb’s will bring them in Great Strenght”
“Tree’s of Life come, come” “Israel Restored”
“And all the earth will Fear your Name and Bow before your Throne”