Home 9 Words 9 Another Number (2025), Another Year – to The End, Prophecy

Another Number (2025), Another Year – to The End, Prophecy

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-01-01

Please ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will guide you through this word and give you wisdom and understanding in all metaphors, figurative elements and parables.

I didn’t thought or expect to receive anything about, or for 2025, but surprisingly something came.
I set the date to the first day in 2025.
It started actually in 2024, but since there is the option to use the time stamp at the beginning or the end of writing down the word. For technical reasons this time it’s easier to use the date when it was completed.
Doesn’t matter anyway so much a human day back or forth, since I need anyway several days to write it down and make a video and through internet it covers anyway all time zones.

Beginning of Prophecy

2025, another year?
People celebrate all over the face of the earth, thinking 2025 will be something new. They never learned from the past, but think the future will bring something new, yet it’s always the same old story. But no, soon it will not be the way it has been since Adam was cast out of the garden. A world without peace, without love. Nothing will change until I change it in a way, where everybody will know, it was not by men.

When I came in the flesh and showed what true peace and love is, most refused to accept it. My teachings they labeled as conspiracy yet those who nail Me on the cross til this very day, they themselves conspire against Me all the time. From conspiracy over to hate speech into disinformation and misinformation, but the root never changed – all the same, since the beginning. The devil’s root of all evil and his agenda never change, which is, his attempts to silence the truth. But as long My Holy Spirit is in the world, there is no way to remove Me as My Spirit carries My truth, for I am The truth.

You can celebrate a new year any time (within the year), but it won’t bring you closer to Me and will not bring anything new but only the same old story of death and corruption, sometimes wrapped in plagues and pestilences, other times by wars and revolutions, other seasons in famine and hunger. With manipulated times and seasons, there is no accurate new year according to My creation and design.

But one day there will be something new, yet it will not come for anyone, but only for a few, those who love Me and keep My commandments. And for the people of this world, 2025 will be like all the years before with further declining morality and increasing insanity, madness like a dense misty morning. A smokescreen but the real smoke, a fog that is more dense than any clouds.

Not far from now, morality in its constant decline will make an additional bend downwards while insanity will bend up steeper to the sky.

Prophetic Word 2025-01-01 2025 Another year chart

(This image is roughly how Yeshua showed it to me, explains it possibly better than my wording)

Only true repentance could change it and reverse the trend.

Jonah, where are you?
Nineveh’s is on every corner, Sodom and Gomorrah, prepare for the fire to fall. Tyrus and Sidon have their sackcloth prepared while you Chorazin and BeitZaida have hardened your heart so your fall shall be greater.

The words of the prophets bounce off the walls of ignorance and silence surrounds the cry for mercy. Jeremiah’s tears are flooding the roads of Babylon, but their people and their followers, the nations only try to wash their hands in the weeping streams and (in/with) the blood of the innocent, while repentance disappears like the cockroaches as soon light got turned on, or like the sun when she heads towards the horizon and in one moment enters into her chambers to prepare herself for the next day, there, she grieves at night to consider to shine again upon decreasing good and increasing evil, and hearts with icicles growing longer and longer.

But the day will come like a fish to swallow her and she will refuse to look upon mankind to tell the inhabitants to repent… no excuse is given to deny the glory of the creator. A time to hide and go to rest, leaving humanity on it’s own and wait, to see if they discover their own ignorance and rebellion. In the belly of the fish, the sun will rest and start to collect more strength. She makes herself ready to pour out three times more light to remind the people of their last possibility to repent and enter the narrow path that leads to life.

On the narrow path, good intentions will not be able to carry you through and less to open the entrance door of My garden. This very door is Me alone. The doorbell is repentance, and forgiveness is the handle. Grace and mercy are the hinges. Those who pick up their staff and deny themselves will be able to walk all the way til the very end and arrive at the place, where the King of kings has prepared for them.

2025 is just a number, a step closer to the end, but a very important one. Important for the bride, to make herself ready and unite with the Spirit to amplify their call so the bridegroom shall not hear only, but also respond. I am waiting for that combined united shout. But I will not come when all the time there is the yelling in the air, to grant more time and the plea to push back all evil forces.

I didn’t come to bring peace but the sword. And My sword divides soul and spirit with a precision, no double edged sword is able to do. I stand and wait to chop off any worldly fleshly desires if you let me do it. I can give abundantly more of what you can ask or imagine, but I will not answer selfish desires.

Prosperity laughter and smiles will turn to ashes, while ashes of sackcloth shall turn into beauty of joy and garment of praise, the real prosperity for and in My kingdom. As the stars are sparkling at night, so shall My disciples shine in this dark world, that is about to turn even darker, spiritually and physically.

Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, but seek My kingdom first, and then you may ask for more forgiveness and I will give you the desires of your heart, things I have placed there deep inside, before you were born. But sadly, most of even My children don’t know what’s in their hearts in all the deep undiscovered chambers. Traumas and several other things have locked many doors where I have stored My pure gold. Ask with a humble heart and I will reveal the secrets of your heart, and open the doors, and show you great and marvelous things, you don’t know.

The hour is late. 2025 is just another human number. Though I respect their counting, but the more I want you to count on Me and not on the worldly system. When you wonder, year after year, seasons seem to get our of time, then the reason is only because I am in the process of re-adjust time, cut it short and prepare those who respect My timing and My seasons to be prepared for the day, when time will be no more. All in accelerating pace to the point in time when many have passed already the point of no return.

Don’t be deceived, 2025 is just an illusion, where mankind has been told it relates to My birth. A day out of time and season, established only to divide and conquer. The devil, the angels and demons know when I was born, the year, month, day and the hour. They presented it to the world in plain sight, straight into your face, but deceived you to believe a lie and continue to celebrate a day when I supposedly was born, for which I stripped down My glory, coming in the flesh to dwell among you.

But the Devil, and demons don’t know the day and the hour when I will return, though they know the season and know it will be very soon – and already tremble, knowing how their end will be, though they pretend, before humans, they will have victory and by deception drag many people with them. They don’t need human numbers to calculate when their destruction will be sealed forever and ever. So why do you, oh fallen men and religious philosophers waste so much time with your studies and the creation of charts, while every little child who loves and knows Me, can clearly see the signs of Noachs time and the season you are living in. Look, what the wicked fearful ones are doing, look at nature and you’ll know. You may speculate about the source, but also this is a waste of precious time because it doesn’t matter. I am in control and I know what I am doing. Above all that, anyone can ask Me directly, without pope, priest, pastor, preacher or prophet in between. I have an ear for each and every person and I am not a dead Elohim like all the idols of the heathen or religious institutions. I dug the ears and created the mouth. For those with ears to hear, let them hear what My Holy Spirit says to the righteous: Get your house in order. I am not too late, not yesterday, not today in 2025 nor beyond.

Fireworks are going up everywhere. But not many people think about the coming real fireworks. It will not be like popcorn in the oven, but destruction on every corner. Days of mourning and misery that will fill peoples hearts with fear and trembling.

Suddenly and the suddenly of the suddenlies of lies and deception. And deception is the most devastating weapon. A new measure never known before, will arrive, be prepared and stay awake.

Be vigilant My people. Not everything that is presented as you see, is real. Technology has brought mankind at the edge of its own extinction. Coming wars, will be fought with weapons never seen before, though some of them are even invisible in the way invisible was used to be understood. Trees that shoot with invisible ammunition and energy, while their roots are connected to the root of all evil. Books with paper that explodes, digital devices who wait for the perfect moment to shoot, while connected with your thoughts and heartbeat and shut them down. Words from the pit of hell audible only for selected individual people even in the middle of a crowd for the purpose to cause unexpected harmful effects in their surroundings. Underground factories producing toxins, deadly liquids with ingredients only be found directly in hell – released the day I give permission. Animals who carry unknown manufactured incurable diseases, pestilences of death.

My beloved, in your battle not against flesh and blood, make sure are fully equipped with the only true defense tools I have given you in My word. The belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet and My sword. Only My divine protection can give you all you need to withstand all forces of darkness with their ever increasing and permanent morphing deception in 2025 new colors.

End of Prophecy

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