Home 9 Words 9 Word 2025-02-25 Microsoft Majorana 1, 6G and terrorists

Word 2025-02-25 Microsoft Majorana 1, 6G and terrorists

Prophetic Word, given on 2025-02-25 ~ 9:00PM

I am not watching a lot of videos, and if, usually only a few minutes. I don’t have the time, patience or energy to listen to long winding explanations. But I came across a relatively short video where they mentioned the new chip of Microsoft called Majorana 1. I thought as I saw this, maybe a new development of next generation computer chips, whatever it is. If there’s a meaning behind the name, in the spiritual sense, I don’t know, I just watched the info, primarily about technology or the plans and purpose for it… and it appears to me it is not for consumer or personal computer, – maybe it is, but it couldn’t see that in the info video, at least not in a traditional sense for personal computers.

Later in the evening it came back to my mind simply asking Yeshua what he thinks about that chip or the whole computer stuff that comes with it. I actually didn’t expect any answer because I thought this might be nothing of interest for Him, but for me to be a little bit informed. But I was very surprised that He answered me, almost right away, and I was not really prepared to write it down, but as I have the block and the pen usually always around I could do it. It was not necessarily expecting a technical answer or anything about computers, but rather something related to those who develop such technology and the players behind. And not only this, but He continued to dive into other areas; in what way the rest is connected to this chip I don’t know, or not yet.

Beginning of Prophecy:

Actually first of all I saw Him smiling, almost laughing, like a spiritual vision. And in that smile was also some sort of joy with the reference to Psalms 2.
And then the words:
They create a world they want to live in. They call it something new, revolutionary, but the truth is, it’s not; I have told you everything beforehand, thousands of years ago (through my prophets, apostles and friends).

This is a small piece but a big portion of the world they dream to create. Long, very long it was in the hands of the devil, but now it was time to be released. The technology is actually very old, but the accuser was restrained again for a time like this, to release it. A dystopian nightmare is just the beginning of something more horrible. Faster, smaller, more control, and yes, total control with the DNA of all those who are not sealed by My blood.

You talk about 5G and thinking what future it will bring when 6G might arrive. I tell you, it’s already here, but not yet activated. 5G or 6G in a triangle gives it the number of a man, driven by the beast, six hundred threescore and six. As soon I give permission within seconds it will be activated, and made alive.

Majorana 1, a cubit in cubits, a tiny copy, as an opposition of the new Jerusalem. The comparison of the different sizes is, to comprehend by human imagination the difference between heaven and hell. When heaven is like the new Jerusalem in it’s size, with open gates, Majorana 1 is the size of hell, a closed system without escape nor any freedom, bouncing and whirling around in itself, trying to communicate with truth, but only able to spin around it’s own greedy selfishness. East, North, South and west, each side three gates of My holy city. White, Red, Black and Pale is Majorana 1, the cubits of delusion, deception, destruction and death with their 12 apostles of HaSatan, the accuser of the brethren, the liar and thief.

Rejoice My bride, rejoice, for your days of your eternal dance are almost here. This is the year of approach. A tiny bit more testing and refining and then I will pick up My gold. Stand steadfast in prayer, thanksgiving, supplication and in My word.

Don’t call anyone a terrorist. You don’t know whom I will use for the greater good and glory for proof of My grace and mercy. Some have been assassinated because they responded to dreams or visions I sent them. Some in low, others in high rank; deceived souls which are publicly labeled as terrorists. But I go after these people and show them, who I am. And this is just the beginning to reveal the real terrorists, the ones whose hearts are cold as ice and harder than stone. One day you will see.

Will you be ashamed when some of them will sit beside you at My wedding banquet or will you even be angry that some people you have seen in religious places will not be there? You can judge, I have given you the free will to do so, but don’t complain when you will be judged by your judgment and left alone in times of greater distress, trials and tribulation.
In a moment, a twinkling of an eye you will know. Today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow, because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Men makes promises today but you don’t know if they will keep or break them tomorrow. History tells the story, the higher someone is in this world system, the more they break their promises, but the deeper they will fall at the end. My promises to you are yes and Amen and there is no other who keep all promises. Remember how deep the once majestic angels fell after they rebelled against Me. The throne of hell and the one who sits there is at the lowest place there. The depth displays the level of wickedness. The highest in rank are the most wicked and sit at the lowest place in hell. Even not a vast cluster of Majorana 1, 2 or 3 chips, working together are able to calculate the wickedness in the dark mind of the master deceiver. He has to step up and reveal himself to mankind and declare himself as god. On the day when the incarnation of all evil has been inaugurated, you will know. Majorana 1 is waiting for the wedding with the light of the apple and the illumination of the angel thereof, to raise to full power. Not in public, but in secret behind closed doors.

The computing power of Majorana is necessary to bring the increase of knowledge to the point, where My servant Daniel has spoken of. A knowledge of foolishness, madness and wickedness. The point of no return has already passed, but it’s just the beginning of the spiral, down to the bottomless pit. All knowledge centralized is for the power of the beast. It will become one mind with those who worship it.

End of Prophecy

I’ll leave the rest up to you – ask prayerfully for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, understanding and discernment of all things, especially of metaphorical and figurative portions.

Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:


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